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This issue highlights the value of the organic approach to agriculture and the rural economy, as well as its wider societal and environmental benefits. It further provides insight into the evolving European policy landscape - including a detailed profile of the European Commission’s Action Plan on the Future of Organic Production in Europe - and the course it is setting for the future of the sector.

Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych ogłosiła rok 2014 Międzynarodowym rokiem rolnictwa rodzinnego. Głównym celem w tym okresie było promowanie, rozwijanie i umacnianie wszystkich odmian rolnictwa o charakterze rodzinnym jako społecznie wartościowego, ekonomicznie opłacalnego i zrównoważonego modelu.

Social inclusion helps to ensure equal access for individuals and communities to opportunities, rights and resources - such as employment, healthcare, housing and civic engagement - that are key to social integration.

Innovation is at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Today, European farmers are faced with the dual challenges of having not only to produce more, but also to do so in a sustainable manner. The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) sees innovation as a key driver of sustainable agriculture and rural development.

Rural Europe plays a central role in the provision of environmental services such as preserving biodiversity, contributing to climate regulation—by reducing emissions and sequestering carbon, protecting water quality and availability, preserving soil functionality and air quality, reinforcing resilience to flooding and/or fire and maintaining landscape values.

Main story: Social media and rural development

Networking is a policy instrument within the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) – otherwise known as Pillar 2 of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Experience shows that networks are an effective means of informing, inspiring and empowering local people in rural communities.
