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Total results: 462.

A closer look at how EU agriculture and rural development policy help promote rural entrepreneurship.

This publication highlights how ICT is being used as an essential tool for unlocking the potential of rural areas, making them more attractive places to live, work and visit.

Forests and forest policy in the EU.

This publication presents a set of articles about how the EAFRD can be used to sustainably develop the EU’s diverse array of different woodland resources.

This publication’s examples demonstrate the range of positive benefits in Member States from food-related rural development activity under the CAP.

Quality and organic products are a key part of the Common Agricultural Policy and an important objective of Rural Development policy.

In this publication RDP project case studies show how Europe’s rural areas can benefit from adopting environmentally-sustainable approaches to their development.

This publication illustrates and underscores the added-value of LEADER, a popular and productive rural development methodology.

Ten poradnik stanowi źródło przydatnych informacji w dziedzinie interpretacji metodologii LEADER i uwzględniania jej w Programach Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich (PROW). Dokument został przygotowany przez Dyrekcję Generalną ds. Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich Komisji Europejskiej.

The role of EU agriculture and rural development policies in the delivery of public goods in rural areas throughout Europe.
