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Total results: 462.

Encouraging rural employment, tackling rural poverty and improving the quality of life.

Supporting EU agriculture, forestry and agri-food industries, combining competitiveness and multi-functionality.

This first edition of the EAFRD project example brochures brings together a set of multi-faceted case studies which show how the EAFRD is supporting rural development across Europe.

Sprawozdanie specjalne Europejskiego Trybunału Obrachunkowego jest zarysem wdrażania podejścia LEADER w zakresie rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Analiza posłużyła jako ramy większości zmian wprowadzonych w przepisach na lata 2014–2020 i wskazała najważniejsze braki w procesie wdrażania podejścia LEADER.

This issue of EU Rural Review explains the contribution that the Rural Development policy brings to the EU´s climate action agenda.

Rural people’s dedication to the on-going development of diversity in Europe’s countryside forms the main focus of this issue of the EU Rural Review.

This issue of the EU Rural Review showcases some of the different types of innovation and creativity from EU rural areas.
