
Getting out of Poverty - Ljudmilla – Estonia

In Estonia, the “at risk of poverty threshold” is 277 Euros with 20% of the population subsequently at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Ljudmilla, 32 years old, along with her husband and four children, lives in social housing in North Tallinn. The apartment they rent is about 15 m², yet, just a few years ago, Ljudmilla and her husband had bought their own flat. However the economic crisis swept those dreams away: Ljudmilla's husband lost his job and the family went into a spiral of debt. Bethel’s Centre, gives food packages and clothes and directs to other social services to find more long-term solutions.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Eloisa - Spain

Eloisa is 87 years old and lives alone in an apartment in Lerida, Spain, where 20% of the population is at risk of poverty. Here, the ‘at risk of poverty threshold’ income is 648 Euros per month. Eloisa doesn’t have children and her disability doesn’t allow her to leave the apartment by herself. Thanks to the “Close to You” program, created by IMSERSO, an organisation dependent on the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Eloisa is helped by Maite, a volunteer, who encourages her to break out of her isolation.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Making a success of Active Inclusion

People experiencing poverty met in Brussels for the seventh time on 16 and 17 May 2008. The discussions focussed on four topics – social services, services of general interest, housing and minimum income – four key pillars in the fight against.

Duration : 11'58''
Date: May 2008

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Getting out of Poverty - Miroslav - Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, the “at risk of poverty threshold” is 303 Euros with 9% of the population currently at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Miroslav is 44 years old and lives in Prague. After spending two years in prison, Miroslav was released a year ago. For over 6 months he was jobless, homeless and had many debts too. Thanks to the SPJ, an association which works on projects that help individuals who have committed a crime and served time or are on probation, Miroslav is reintegrating step by step into society.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Yildrim - Denmark

In Denmark, 12% of the population is at risk of poverty with an ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold of 1208 Euros per month. Yildirim, 22 years old, was involved in criminal activities in the past that resulted in a prison sentence. With the help of Café Exit, an organization that receives support from the European Union and which helps ex-inmates to get their life back on track by organising education, jobs and place to stay, Yildirim has started a new life. He will soon begin at cooking school.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Tony - Ireland

Tony, 52 years old, is taxi driver in Dublin. A few years ago, the father of six got into financial difficulties. His wife suffered from a mental illness and was in hospital for a long time. Tony just couldn’t pay the bills anymore. In Ireland, 15% of the population is at risk of poverty with an ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold of 1148 Euros per month. With the skills learnt from the Money Advice and Budgeting Service project, a free independent and confidential service for people who are in debt or at risk of getting into debt, Tony can now support his family and pay for the bills.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Eugenia and Radions - Latvia

In Latvia, the “at risk of poverty threshold” is 242 Euros with 26% of the population at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Radions and Eugenia come from Uzbekistan. In 2008, they left their country with their four children and arrived in Latvia, Riga, where they now live. Only months ago, they were in the Mucenieki refugee camp, 30kms outside of Riga. Then, the family met the organisation Patverums Drosa Maja, the Asylum Safe House. This organisation gives them food, clothes, bus tickets and even psychological assistance. Now they have started taking Latvian language courses in order to integrate into society.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Thomas - Sweden

Thomas, formerly homeless and 52 years old, lives in Malmö, Sweden. In the past, he spent his nights in a shelter or shared a place with someone else. In Sweden, 12% of the population is at risk of poverty and the ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold is 1029 Euros per month. Thanks to ABF Malmö, an education centre for those who lack the resources to access mainstream education, Thomas found new stability and self-esteem.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Yasmina - Bulgaria

Yasmina, 32 years old, quit school at the age of 15 and left home because of domestic violence. Later she had 2 children and once again she and her eldest daughter became victims of severe domestic violence. 21% of the population in Bulgaria is at risk of poverty, with an ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold of 109 Euros per month. Yasmina fled and searched for help, and ended up in the ‘Mother and Child’ centre, a social service managed by the Bulgarian NGO SAPI, which offers food, shelter and a wide range of social and psychological assistance for a period of 6 months. Today, Yasmina has left the centre and is trying to get her life back on track.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Fabrizio - Italy

In Italy, the “at risk of poverty threshold” is 782 Euros with 19% of the population subsequently at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Fabrizio, 34 years old, lives in Rome, in Italy. He works for the Europe Consulting association, based in the Roma Termini Station. This Social Cooperative aims to improve the situation of people experiencing homelessness that live or look for shelter in the station. This specific project, called “La Linea Gialla”, aims to improve cooperation between 10 train stations in major Italian cities to share information and best practices on how to help people in need across the country.

*Data from 2008, latest data available

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