
European Commission Digital

Spanish Interoperability node of the Spanish University System (NISUE)

NISUE has been developed for the electronic interchange of academic data among Spanish universities as well as between national and European organisations that use academic data in order to provide better electronic services.


@Photo from Pixabay.


The Conference of Principals of Spanish Universities (CRUE), with the collaboration of RedIRIS (the Spanish academic and research network) and MINHAFP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government), have launched the Interoperability Node of the Spanish University System (NISUE).
NISUE has been developed for the electronic interchange of academic data among Spanish universities as well as between national and European organizations that use academic data in order to provide better electronic services. NISUE cooperates with other information systems such as STORK 2, among others. Thus, NISUE aims to become the single point for the exchange of information between universities themselves as well as between universities and other agencies or institutions.

OOP aspect

NISUE aims to become the single point for the exchange of information between universities themselves as well as between universities and other agencies or institutions.




Start date30 Jan 2017 
ScopeCross-border International
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory 
Additional remarks Example of a Use Case: transfer of academic records
To facilitate the mobility of students, universities need to share files or academic research data.

Enabling assets or components 

Political commitment
Law 39 / 2015

Promotes the scheme of interoperability between public sector bodies.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data
Confirmation of a status, group/class membership

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type
The Conference of Principals of Spanish Universities (CRUE)Government
RedIRIS (the spanish academic and research network)Government
MINHAP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government)




Functional description
The introduction of the Node of interoperability aims mainly to the following main objectives:
- Facilitating data exchanges between universities and between other organizations.
- The integration with RedSARA (SARA network) and the interconnection with the platform of MINHAP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government).
- Facilitating the implementation of the National Scheme of Interoperability (ENI) for universities.



Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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