
European Commission Digital

Estonian Tallinn Public Transport Ticket System

Tallinn Public Transport Ticket System is used to sell tickets, to have a look at possible discounts, or check the validity of the ticket.


@Photo from Pixabay.


Ticket system used to:
• sell tickets
• manage travel discounts
• check the validity of ticket
• determine the travel demand and optimise route network (non-personal data)
• balance inter-municipal revenue and expenditure 

Start date1 Jan 2012 
ScopeCross-border International
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in 
Additional remarks cross-border/municipal: Tallinn-Helsinki

Enabling assets or components 

Political commitment
Tallinn City Council Regulation No. 43 09.12.2004,
Interoperability of the State Information System. Endorsed with the Directive of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications 11-0377, 22.12.2011,
Legal interoperability
Tallinn ticketing system database statutes,
The Local Government Organization Act. Riigikogu. RT I 30.12.2011,
Public Transport. Riigikogu. RT I 28.06.2012, 17,
Public Information Act. Riigikogu, RT I 2000, 92, 597,
Socio-cultural influence factors
Secure data exchange layer X-Road ( is used for gathering data from different registers. X-Road is a technological and organizational environment enabling a secure Internet-based data exchange between information systems. All registers and Statistics Estonia must be a member of X-Road

Information regarding the X-Road members and the services they provide is available via the Administration System for the State Information System (RIHA). RIHA ( ) serves as a catalogue for the state’s information system. At the same time RIHA is a procedural and administrative environment via which the comprehensive and balanced development of the state’s information system has ensured. RIHA guarantees the transparency of the administration of the state’s information system and helps to plan the state’s information management.

PKI or the public key infrastructure ( ) enables secure digital authentication and signing. The infrastructure also allows forwarding data by using an encrypting key pair: a public encryption key and a private decryption key. In Estonia, this technology is used in relation with electronic identity (ID card, mobile ID, digital ID). All members of X-Road are using Digital seal certificates for signing messages. Citizens and officials are using electronic identity tokens.

All participants must be implemented three-level IT baseline security system ISKE ( The goal of implementing ISKE is to ensure a security level sufficient for the data processed in IT systems. The necessary security level achieved by implementing the standard organisational, infrastructural/physical and technical security measures.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing
Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder role
Ticket systemGovernmentData provider
CitizensCitizenData consumer
Population register (RR). (Ministry of the Interior)Government
Register of Residence and Work Permits (ETR). (Ministry of the Interior)GovernmentData provider
Social Security Information System (SKAIS). (Ministry of Social Affairs)GovernmentData provider
Estonian Education Information System (EHIS). (Ministry of Education and Research) GovernmentData provider
National public transport register (Ütris). (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications)GovernmentData provider
National pension insurance register (PIKAS). (Social Insurance Board)GovernmentData provider
Public Administrations (Local Municipalities)GovernmentData consumer
Business registerGovernmentData provider


Translation of terms in Figure from Estonian into English:
• Välised registrid - external registers
• RR, SKAIS, EHIS, ÜTRIS, PIKAS – names of registers
• X-tee – X-road
• Soodustused- discounts
• Piletid – tickets
• Liinid - lines
• Sõidukaardid – travel cards
• Sündmused – events


Lessons learned

Enabler 1. Secure data exchange layer for confidential and legally binding data needed. In case of Estonia the X-Road is used

Enabler 2. The unique personal identification code provide opportunity to merge personal data from different registers.

Enabler 5. Master data in registers must described in catalogue RIHA properly.

Enabler 3. Three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Barrier 1. The system is handling personal data (name, address, personal code, address, basis of discount, travel events, etc). The secure processing (data hashing) needed. Restrictions for data processing and archiving needed. Bases of discounts is hided for ticket inspector.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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