
European Commission Digital

French e-bourgogne-franche-comté GIP

e-bourgogne-franche-comté GIP is a platform which delivers 20 e-services to more than 2000 public local entities in the region of Burgundy-Franche-Comté (France). Municipalities, cities, enterprises and other local legal entities have access to e-services through one platform.  

@Photo from Pixabay.


The objective of the e-bourgogne-franche-comte GIP is to ensure that in a territory with more than 3,500 public entities each organization has access to digital services. The procedures can be fulfilled digital in compliance even with legal and regulatory changes. The service also leads to a gain in productivity. The platform is based on PROCURE, a European eTEN project that analysed the possibility of implementing eTEN in Burgundy - responding to its legal, functional and technical requirements. Since the beginning in 2004, 14,000 tenders have been published on e-Bourgogne platform leading to 121,000 downloads of Request for proposals. At the moment, e-bourgogne governance is a Groupement d'Intérêt Public holding gathering those 2000 local entities.

URLGIP e-bourgogne-franche-comté
ScopeCross-border International 
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components

Legal interoperability
A "Holding" of all public entities (GIP) has been created for the Region of Burgundy. e-bourgogne is organized through this specific governance model of which the regional legal entities (LA's and LLE's) are stakeholders. This governance model warrants the continuity of provided service independent of any political change. The GIP provides the service to all the legal entities autonomous in terms of procurement (legal authorities, universities, high schools, chambers of commerce, etc.) and represents their individual interests.

Directive 2004-18-CE,
The French central government created in 2003 an agency, now called DGME
(Direction générale pour la modernisation de l'Etat) with the objectives to reduce
and simplify paper-based administrative procedures and to improve productivity
and efficiency. DGME rapidly established the interoperability common framework (in coherence with the e-Europe 2005 program) and launched the eGOV strategic
program ADELE, "Administration Electronique 2004/2007", focusing primarily on
State Administrations. e-bourgogne first three operational services were:
1. PROCURE e-service for electronic procurement (first e-service delivered by the e-
Bourgogne platform).
2. Single entry for companies applying for financial support and/or requiring support for their business establishment in Burgundy, "J'entreprends en Bourgogne".
3. Digitalization of legal and accounting documents between local authorities and
central administrations.

Directive 1999-93-CE, 


Open source software 

Lessons learned 

- Start by developing a shared vision and shared values.
- Mutualization and sharing of a global approach (solutions and services).
- Get commitment from the top political executives in the Region: e-bourgogne was initiated by an agreement signed between central government (Prime Minister) and the Region (President of Regional Council). Strong support of Regional Council President.
- Keep going to LAs and convince and educate: to insure the success of e-bourgogne, large efforts have been made in marketing and education, extensive field meetings with local mayors held by high level politicians, like Martine Vandelle, president of e-bourgogne and regional counselor in charge of procurement for the Region. Beside convincing and awareness raising, also a comprehensive education plan for LA's has been developed. Education is a key ingredient to get a successful deployment of new e-services in the field and is underestimated in many instances.
- Build a legal governance structure such as GIP


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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