
European Commission Digital

Austria's FinanzOnline service

FinanzOnline facilitates the access to the Austrian tax administration for citizens and businesses as well as for the public administration.


@Photo from Pixabay.


The whole process – from filling in the form to the delivery of the notice is fulfilled electronically. A notification service for the tax statement delivery is available in the electronic DataBox. The tax account as well as all process steps can be traced online. Furthermore, the online management of personal data as well as the immediate online tax assessment (also as an anonym calculation) are possible.
FinanzOnline is also the key for numerous other e-government applications – for example for the Business Service Portal and for electronic invoicing.

OOP aspect

Using FinanzOnline, Austrian citizens can, for instance, file their tax return electronically from home. Processing tax returns online saves times – there is no travel time or queuing. There are also no restrictions to opening hours. And citizens usually get their money back faster. Furthermore, it protects the environment as no paper forms are required and it relieves the burden on the government budget.
Data from the previous year can be transferred automatically. Possible chances, that may occur during the year, still has to be filled in manually.

OOP synonym

one-click link



Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components 

Legal interoperability

FinanzOnline-regulation 2006 - FonV 2006,
Regulation of the federal ministry of financy on the submission of inspection of records and delivery of transactions in an automated form.
FinanzOnline-declaration regulation,
Regulation of the federal ministry of finance on the electronic transmission of tax returns as well as annual accounts and other documents regarding tax returns

Data protection and privacy
Security functions and technologies, some of which are the Ministry of Finance's own innovations, guarantee that all data remain secure. 96 % of all users rate the application as “very good”.

Socio-cultural influence factors
FinanzOnline is free of charge and available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. At the moment, FinanzOnline has more than four million users. Processing tax returns online saves times, because there is no travel time or queuing. There are also no restrictions to opening hours. And citizens usually get their money back faster. Furthermore, it protects the environment as no paper forms are required and it relieves the burden on the government budget. Sinde 2013, the administrative expenses have been reduced by about 330 million Euros. Security functions and technologies guarantee that all data remain secure. 96% of all users rate the applications as "very good". .

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing


Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data


Data providerPersonal data
Data providerPersonal data
Federal Ministry of Finance


Data consumerPersonal data

Barriers and success factors

FinanzOnline is the no. 1 e-government service in Austria, which has received multiple international awards. It is free of charge and available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Since 2013, the administrative expenses have been reduced by about 330 million Euros. FinanzOnline has more than four million users.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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