
European Commission Digital

Danish Basic Data Program

The Basic Data Program aims at establishing a government shared registry for data distribution in many different fields. When data is uploaded, public authorities cannot ask users for the same data anymore and have to obtain it from the system itself.

@Photo from Pixabay.


The Basic Data Program creates a government shared registry for data distribution, called Common Public-Sector Data Distributor. This program introduces the once-only principle. Governmental institutions, businesses, and citizens are three main beneficiaries of this program.

Public authorities cannot ask users for the same data that was provided earlier and have to obtain it from the system itself. This requirement avoids the replication of information transactions between citizens and the government, and reduces substantially the burden for users in reporting information and for providers in managing information.
The Basic Data Distributor is based on the sharing and the re-use of the following core information (collected in 10 electronic registries) that public authorities use in their daily data procedures, such as:
- Personal data;
- Business data;
- Real property data;
- address data;
- Geographic data;
- Income data.
This program was developed by central Danish government in cooperation with local government (association of municipalities) and shares citizens and businesses data between all public authorities at different levels. This prevent repeatedly providing of same information to different parts of public sector and reduce administrative burden on citizens as well as businesses.
The main aims for developing the Basic Data Distributor are:
- Basic data needs to be as correct, complete and up-to-date as possible;
- Data must be harmonized in the same format;
- All public authorities must use basic data found in the Distributor in their daily procedures;
- As far as possible, basic data (excluding sensitive personal data) must be made freely available to businesses as well as the public; precisely, each department will have access exclusively to data relevant to its activities and not all data will be made available to everyone (e.g. personal data from the Civil Registration System);
- Basic data must be distributed efficiently, accommodating the needs of the users.

OOP aspect

When data is uploaded, public authorities cannot ask users for the same data anymore and have to obtain it from the system itself.





Start date1 Jan 2013 
End date1 Dec 2016 
DomainPublic matter 
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory

Enabling assets or components 

Political commitment
Danish Basic Data Program is part of the Danish eGovernment strategy 2011-2015.

Legal interoperability
Any recoding, processing, and furture distribution of basic data about individuals must comply with Act on processing of personal data.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data



Data subject

Basic data in many different field

BusinessesBusinessData subject

Ministry of public sector innovation


Public authoritiesGovernmentData consumer Basic data in many different field
Public authoritiesGovernmentData providerBasic data in many different field

Further stakeholders

A clear repartition of tasks has been realized across the governmental institutions to coordinate the effort and monitor progress across the different administrations participating in the programme. In addition, the cross-institutional Basic Data Committee has been created to coordinate development initiatives and changes to basic data, to foster efficiency improvements, to harmonize interfaces, standards and data models, to promote dialogue between the public and private sector and to ensure the full exploitation of basic data by public authorities.

Benefits for involved actors

Benefits for public:
• Better public services in the form of speedier case processing and fewer errors in individual cases
• Less reporting to public authorities, for example to correct errors
• Less need for re-entering data in online self-service solutions, when forms are filled in automatically with relevant and fully up-to-date basic data.

Benefits for Businesses:
• Less red tape – less reporting and registration
• Faster digitisation, fewer errors and more efficient and effective procedures
• Cheaper procurement of public-sector data
• Improved foundation for collaboration with the public sector due to the existence of common data
• Improved as well as new opportunities to develop new data-based services and products.

Benefits for public authorities:
• Efficient and effective maintenance of basic data and fewer redundant registers
• Operational savings on own IT systems and update of data locally
• Cheaper development of IT systems, when basic data is accessible from a single source
• Fewer manual workflows, fewer errors and shorter case-processing times
• Improved control e.g. of payments, so that social welfare fraud can be reduced. 

External impacts

This program can help police by giving them access to good
and coherent basic data.
Easy and open access to high-quality basic data constitutes a huge growth potential for businesses and organisations working professionally with public-sector data. Moreover this provides good opportunities for new businesses to emerge.
The Basic Data Programme is expected to reach € 100 million annual savings for society in 2020. The potential benefits of the programme tend to stabilise from 2017. Afterwards, benefits exceed costs for all the public entities. Moreover, better accesses to higher quality data could leads to economic growth in different sectors including real estate, telecommunications, and transport. Additionally, implementation of this program has potential to leads to new types of services and also more efficient digital services in the private sector.

Lessons learned 

- The steering of a programme of such a size, which involves both infrastructure and content, is difficult.
- It is difficult to calculate the benefits of the project for the private sector, which explains why the Danish government funds the project.
- Data distribution is becoming a central function that all ministries are now closely monitoring.
- Guided by Business Cases and public sector efficiency gains.
- Based on a strong tradition of strategic and operational corporation in the public sector on e-government (local, regional and state).
- The programme is sponsored by high level political boards.
- The financing is done up front (costs and gains).
- The programme solves many long-standing issues.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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