
European Commission Digital

Estonian Sports Registry

Sports Registry is a public database, which collects data on sports organisations, their members and coaches.

@Photo from Pixabay.


In order to keep an account of Estonian sports organisations, sports schools, sport facilities and coaches with the aim to organise and manage sports activities and enhance participation in sports activities, the Government of the Republic has established a sports database which belongs to the state information system. Sports Registry is a public database, which collects data on sports organisations, their members and coaches.

URLSport Register


Start date1 Jan 2011


Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
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Enabling assets or components 

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Legal interoperability
General regulation for founding and maintaining the Estonian Sports Registry”., RT I, 21.02.2014, 19,
Sport Act, RT I, 30.12.2015, 1,
Socio-cultural influence factors
This registry provides a nation-wide overview about Estonian sports organisations, their members and coaches. Furthermore, this registry can be considering as a useful tool for citizens, parents, and policy-making authorities as well.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data

The Sports Department at the Ministry of Culture

GovernmentDatabase ownerSport data
Foundation of Sports TrainingNGOData consumerSport data
CitizensCitizenData consumerSport data
Public administrationGovernmentData consumerSport data
Register of ProfessionsGovernmentData providerSport data
Address Data SystemGovernmentData providerSport data
Population RegisterGovernmentData providerSport data
Commercial RegisterGovernmentData providerSport data
Estonian Education Information System GovernmentData providerSport data
State Register of State and Local Government InstitutionsGovernmentData providerSport data
Local Organisations of SportsNGOData consumerSport data


Data architecture

The Sports Registry consists four interrelated sub-registers:
• Sub-database of sports organizations
• Sub-database of sports schools
• Sub-database of sports objects
• Sub-database of coaches


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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