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European Commission Digital

Digital Monitoring 2021 - 2024

DIGITAL Monitoring is now being conducted under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), previously it was under CEF Monitoring. There is quarterly monitoring of six key digital services: EBSI, eDelivery, eID, eInvoicing, eSignature, and OOTS. To ensure rigorous and relevant analysis, a new monitoring framework has been established, with multiple indicators and targets defined for each service. Information on these indicators is collected every quarter and is used to update dashboards, providing real-time insights into the progress and impact of these services.

For an in-depth understanding of the methodologies used, please refer to the new Digital Monitoring Framework.

EBSI monitoring dashboard

Reuse of the Building Blocks

As reusability is a key component of the Building Blocks, it was identified as a reliable indicator to measure for assessing the overall performance of each Building Block.

The Building Blocks covered under this monitoring framework can potentially be reused by any project, system or initiative throughout the world. Please note that EBSI and OOTS can not be tracked for reusability, because they are either not in the right project phase or are not reusable by design. The dashboard only displays information on the reuse of the following DIGITAL Builidng Blocks; eDelivery, eID, eSignature, and eInvoicing. To find information on other indicators used to capture the performance of EBSI and OOTS, please refer to their respective dashboards.

The projects are clustered in different groups based on their adoption status: Commitment to analyse, Commitment to reuse and Reusing.