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European Commission Digital

eID Documentation

DIGITAL eID Offers digital services capable of electronically identifying users from all across Europe.

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What is eID?

eID is a set of services provided by the European Commission to enable the mutual recognition of national electronic identification schemes (eID) across borders. It allows European citizens to use their national eIDs when accessing online services from other European countries.


The eID Building Block ensures interoperability on 4 fronts: legal, organisational, semantic and technical interoperability, providing a powerful enabler of digital operations that require cross-border identity recognition.

Security and trust

The high levels of assurance, possible with eIDAS eIDs, result in a reduced risk of identity theft and misuse of personal information. DIGITAL eID ensures the legal validity of cross-borders transactions, providing the same legal status as traditional paper based processes.

Streamline cross-border operations

The solution drastically reduces the administrative burden, in terms of time, expenses and effort, associated with the use of foreign public services — a necessity for many in an increasingly globalised world.

Who can benefit from eID

Node Providers

eIDAS-Node implementers

To be able to recognize eIDs from different countries, each Member State has to implement an eIDAS-Node. We can help you connect to the eIDAS network.

Identity Providers

Companies or public authorities

Ensure that your identity scheme can be used to access public services in other EU countries, by connecting to the eIDAS network.

Service Providers

Public and private service providers

Expand the reach of your public or private organisation — offer online services to citizens and consumers from other Member States.

Reach your country's Single Point of Contact to connect with the eIDAS-Network.

Single Points of Contact were created in each Member State to assist Service and Identity Providers in connecting to the eIDAS-Network. For further information regarding the contact details for each country, please refer to the eeIDAS Dashboard page.

See eIDAS dashboard(opens in a new tab)

Implementing eID

If you are ready to start working on your eID services, we are just as ready to help you. The links below provide important information to begin the implementation.

eIDAS eID Profile

Unravel the eIDAS eID and learn the technical specifications that can help you develop your own eIDAS-compliant implementation.

eIDAS Regulation

Become familiar with the European regulation on electronic identification and e-transactions.

eIDAS-Node Integration Package

The eIDAS-Node software is a sample implementation of the eID eIDAS Profile. It includes testing tools that can be used for demo purposes.

We can help you implement eID:

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eID in use


66 Projects reusing eID

15 Projects committed to analyse or reusing eID

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Please note the information provided in there are dated 2023


Contact us and start your digital transformation

If you have any question regarding DIGITAL eID, feel free to contact us or join our user community for further discussion and support.

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