
European Commission Digital

German Refugee Digitisation System

The Refugee Digitisation System was implemented in February 2016. All relevant authorities now have access to a single core data system which is administered by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

@Photo from Pixabay.

Information of an individual only needs to be provided once at first contact and can then be shared and re-used by the involved public administrations and other relevant entities.


In 2015, approx. 1,1 million of refugees arrived in Germany. This mass migration provided public administrations in Germany with many challenges, starting with the registration and processing of incoming refugees. There were numerous agencies providing services for refugees and registering incoming people, using different IT systems. Refugees were sometimes registered multiple times due to misunderstandings or deliberate disguise. Translation errors or different alphabetical systems led to incorrect data entries due to spelling mistakes. 

Therefore, the registration procedure for refugees was digitally standardized in order to avoid previous mistakes and to establish a data system all relevant authorities would have access to. The Data Sharing Improvement Law (Jan 2016) provided the legal basis for the exchange of data among the relevant authorities. The system behind the data exchange builds on the already established data standard XAusländer. All relevant authorities have access to a single core data system which is administered by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The data is provided by the refugee at first contact with a state authority. The responsible authority then updates the core data system. Therefore, the data only has to be provided once by the refugee. Through the core data system, the data can then be reviewed and re-used by all responsible authorities for their respective purposes. 

To improve data quality, fingerprints are now used as a legal identifier instead of a name. Furthermore, the registration of a refugee is a prerequisite for all public services, e.g. accommodation, food, health services. 



Start date1 Feb 2016

Public matter

Nature and status of projectRolled Out
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?Mandatory


Relevant Enablers
German XAusländer
Legal interoperability
Data Sharing Improvement Law,*%5B@attr_id=%27bgbl116s0130.pdf%27%5D#__bgbl__%2F%2F*%5B%40attr_id%3D%27bgbl116s0130.pdf%27%5D__1507912797340

Following information was added: The following data will be collected and shared with relevant agencies: name, AKN-number, fingerprint, civil status, information on the asylum status, German address, contact info (voluntary), accompanied minors, responsible state and agencies, educational background, language skills, data on integration courses, data on health checks, data on immunizations
Socio-cultural influence factors
Instead of the legal name, a fingerprint is used as a unique identifier. The registration is the prerequisite of all public services used by the refugee, e.g. accommodation, food, health services. Refugees receive a paper-based identity document that they have to show to receive the different means.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing
Actual data

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type

Foreign citizens


Local foreign affairs


Registration offices


Federal Employment Agency


Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)





Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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German pre-filled tax return

The pre-filled tax return is a service provided by the German tax authorities. Certain data which is provided by third parties (health insurance companies, employers etc.) to tax authorities can be automatically entered into a citizen's tax return if the citizens give the necessary authorization.

@Photo from Pixabay.

The German tax authorities re-use the data provided to them from other relevant parties (insurance companies, employers etc.). Therefore taxpayers do not have to re-enter data but can simply check the data provided through the pre-filled tax return.


The pre-filled tax return is a service provided by the German tax authorities. If citizens choose to file their tax returns digitally, they have the option to use the pre-filled tax return. Certain data which is provided by third parties (health insurance companies, employers etc.) to tax authorities can be automatically entered into a citizen's tax return if the citizens give the necessary authorization. Citizens can then complete the tax return and submit it digitally.
Currently, the following data can be automatically retrieved by citizens: 
- personal information (name, religious affiliation, address, bank information) 
- information from the employment tax statement 
- information on wage replacement benefits (e.g. unemployment assistance and social welfare)
- information on retirement benefits
- information on basic health insurance and statutory nursing care insurance dues 
- information on pension plan dues 

Insurance companies and employers have to submit the data to the tax authorities by February 28th of the respective year in order for the data to be used in the tax return. 
Therefore, citizens do not have to manually re-enter the same data; tax authorities re-use data other agencies have already shared with them. This service provides several benefits to citizens: 
- fewer mistakes due to no manual data entry 
- saves time 
- more transparency (citizens can see and check what data tax authorities receive from insurance companies and employers) 
- reduces the administrative burden for citizens overall



Start date1 Jan 2014


Nature and status of projectRolled Out
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?



Legal interoperability
Law for the modernisation of the taxation procedure (July 2016),

This law was passed in order to modernize the taxation procedure. It supports the expansion of the pre-filled tax return. More data should be made available to be prefilled by the tax authorities in order to reduce the administrative burden for citizens.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing
Actual data
Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type



Tax authorities




Health insurance companies


Other state agencies


This exchange of data follows very strict data protection laws. Due to the very sensitive data, the data can only be retrieved by authorization of the data owner.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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French electronic tax filing system

The French electronic tax filing system allows citizens to opt-into the re-use of their data by the French tax authority. If citizens have already submitted submitted personal data to other public administrations, the tax authority will not ask for this information a second time.

@Photo from Pixabay.

Through data exchanges between the French public administrations, the citizens only have to provide their data once and can file their taxes quicker and with less administrative burdens.


There is a lot of information held by the tax authorities that citizens need when they are applying for various public services. That is ineffective because the exchange between different public administration is already possible and has proven its effectiveness. This will be reformed as part of the French programm "Dites-le-nous une fois". Citizens no longer have to give information to the public authorities that is held by the tax authorities if they have signed an agreement. These are e.g. information about the familiy situation, the number of people living in the household or the tax income. 

The pilot phase will begin with the following partners: The ministry of education and the cities Paris, Lyon and Marseille.





Nature and status of projectPlanned Project 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?Mandatory


Political commitment
The program « Dites-le nous une fois »,
API Particulier,
Marchés publics simplifiés (MPS),
Legal interoperability
Article L113-13

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing
Actual data
Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type

Tax authority


City of Paris


City of Marseille


City of Lyon


Ministry of Education



Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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French dites-le-nous une fois

The French program “Dites-les-nous uns fois” wants to make it easier for public administrations providing public services to exchange data they already have. It is initiated from a legal point of view via an ordinance (for companies) and an amendment to the Digital bill (for individuals). 

@Photo from Pixabay.


There are different programs where France wants to implement the once-only principle. 

Planned in Paris, Lyon and Marseille for 2018, there will be an easier way to apply for the parking vignette. You can soon apply for it online without handing in any documents concerning your domicile, your income or your car registration. This information will be exchanged between the administrative bodies of the cities. This simplification could lead to faster processes. It could be easily applied to the 800 communes using parking vignettes.

Another program is the electronic tax filling system. The contact with French government organizations or municipalities gives a lot of burden for French citizens as they have to fill out the same forms and hand in the same documents to the tax authorities over and over again. As part of the program “Dites-le-nous une fois” citizens don´t have to hand in again certain documents at the tax authorities or any other authority again. The concerned informations are the family situation, the number of dependents, the reference tax income and the number of shares in the household.

URL30 nouvelles mesures pour simplifier la vie des Français

Social matter

Nature and status of projectPlanned Project 


Political commitment
The program « Dites-le nous une fois »,
API Particulier,
Marchés publics simplifiés (MPS),
Legal interoperability
Article L113-13,

Data handling / data exchange

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type

City of Paris


Tax authority


City of Marseille


City of Lyon





Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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French application of work welfare (Revenu de solidarité active)

The register controls that the requirements stipulated by the legislation that governs veterinary, food safety, market regulation, animal welfare and farm animal breeding are followed.

@Photo from Pixabay.

The new online application process allows citizens to refrain from re-submitting their data. The relevant public administrations can share and re-use existing data.


The French government decided to change the work welfare application procedure applying the once-only principle (Program name: Dites-le-nous uns fois). In the future, citizens can apply for the procedure online and the administrations have to exchange the documents they already have. Citizens will just have to provide information that the public administration does not have yet. The application of the once-only principle will simplify the life to citizens and facilitate the application. 
Before, citizens who wished to apply for social welfare (Revenu de solidarité active) in France had to complete an application form and file it to the service department or to another organisation that will process their application, such as the Caisse Family Allowances (CAF) or the Social Mutualité agricole (MSA). Depending on their situation, citizens often have to attach a lot of documents and information, f.e. their income and family situation - even if these information are already somewhere in the public administration. This procedure is very complex and takes a lot of time. Due to these circumstances, there was a number of citizens who were discouraged and did not apply for RSA.

URL30 nouvelles mesures pour simplifier la vie des Français



Social matter

Nature and status of project Planned Project 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory


Legal interoperability
Article L113-13,

Data handling / data exchange

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type



Caisse Family Allowances (CAF)


Social Mutualité agricole (MSA)




Tax authority



Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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French application for a parking vignette

The French public administration is planning to implement an easier way to apply for parting vignettes. Citizens can soon apply for a residential parking card online without handing in any documents concerning car registration, proof of address or income.

@Photo from Pixabay.


Today, if residents want to apply for a parking vignette, they have to send in all their documents concerning their vehicle and tax data to their local authority. This authority then needs to verify this data which can delay the process. The average waiting time for a new residential parking card totals 10 days. Through the new system, applications can be submitted online without having to send in documents. The municipalities will be able to verify the data with other administrations to save time and re-use already collected data. 
Promised since 2014, the new program could soon become reality as it is scheduled to start in 2018. It is initiated from a legal point of view via an ordinance (for companies) and an amendment to the Digital bill (for individuals). Through the program, it will no longer be necessary to re-enter data such as family status, the number of dependents, the reference tax income or the number of people living in a household.
This program will reduce the administrative burden for citizens and businesses as they do not have to re-enter data and allows public administrations to share and re-use data.

URL30 nouvelles mesures pour simplifier la vie des Français


Start date1 Jan 1999


Nature and status of project Planned Project 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in


Political commitment
The program « Dites-le nous une fois »,
API Particulier,
Simplified procurement (MPS),
FranceConnect Agents (DcANT),
L’API « Impôts particuliers »,
Legal interoperability
Article L113-13,

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type

City of Marseille


Car owner


City of Paris


City of Lyon

Tax authority


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Context Broker to empower Dutch cyclists to choose healthier routes

The province of Utrecht fosters cycling by equipping bikes with air quality sensors to map healthier routes and to create a healthy urban space for all.

Sniffer Bike sensors in action. Photo courtesy of the province of Utrecht.

Quick facts

  • Project: Sniffer Bike
  • Organisation: Province of Utrecht, the Netherlands
  • Challenge: How can the city promote cycling and provide a healthier urban space?
  • Solution: Use Context Broker to consolidate air quality data for citizens and politicians to make more informed, healthier decisions
  • Building block: CEF Context Broker
  • Funding: No


Cycling is a healthy and climate neutral way of getting around. However, not all routes are equally healthy for cyclists, considering the exhaust emitted by motorised vehicles on busier streets. Utrecht, as part of its goal to foster cycling, conducted a successful pilot project in which cyclists were handed out air quality sensors for their bikes. Sensors were used to map pollution around the city in order to find those healthier routes. The sensor, called Sniffer Bike, also conducted anonymous tracking of cyclists to identify habits and determine where new bike paths are needed based on traffic.

The pilot project has since been scaled-up to cover the entire province of Utrecht for the duration of one year. A mobile application for citizens now allows cyclists to track air quality and to choose healthier routes. A management dashboard also provides indispensable data on the current state of the environment, which is essential for policy makers tackling environmental and mobility issues, as well as local research agencies, in order to create a healthy urban space for all.


The central component for consolidating and analysing data is called the Context Broker. Context Broker is capable of consolidating data from various different Internet of Things (IoT) devices – in this case the Sniffer Bike sensors – and contextualising the data to form meaningful information. The Context Broker is based on the global FIWARE NGSI v2 API specifications. It is available as a digital building block to anyone interested in developing high-quality European services in a fast and easy manner. Context Broker consists of open-source software components, documentation, reference implementations and support services, which are offered for free by the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme. 

Utrecht also worked with local companies: Sodaq, specialised in IoT devices and networks; and Civity, specialised in working with smart cities’ open data. Sodaq provided air quality sensors, while Civity developed a data connector to Context Broker and a dashboard for viewing measures.

Sensors measure particulate matter (PM), but also coordinates, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), temperature, air pressure, humidity and irregularities of the road. In only a few weeks, air quality was mapped in a vast area around the city.

Now that the pilot project has been scaled-up, the provincial authorities have set-up a community platform where they keep all of the 500 currently participating members informed.

Pilot project

Scaled-up project (started May 2019)

  • 10 air quality devices
  • 40 participants
  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • 8000 km cycled

  • 500 devices
  • 500+ participants
  • Entire Province of Utrecht
  • 10+ municipalities
  • Duration: 1 year

The tech talk

SnifferBike sensors measure air quality every 10 seconds. The sensors use IoT optimised cellular communication protocols, Narrowband (NB-IoT) and Low-Term Evolution (LTE-M), to transmit data every two minutes from bike sensors to a central database. NB-IoT and LTE-M are low power wide area (LPWA) network technologies that cover the whole country for machine-to-machine communication. Therefore, the central database can easily receive data from bikes anywhere in the Netherlands.

The Context Broker’s reference implementation, Orion, provides the core functionalities in data contextualisation. The Cygnus component manages historical context data, which is then visualised in air quality dashboards via CKAN, an extension to Context Broker. It is an open source solution managed by FIWARE for the publication, management and consumption of open data.  

Before data is consolidated by Context Broker, a custom NGSI connector made by Civity transforms data to the right format (FIWARE’s ‘Air Quality Observed’ data model). Context Broker then receives data, checks values and shares updated information with all who have subscribed for updates.

The illustration below shows the process from data collection to visualisation.

Context Broker as solution

The Province of Utrecht supports open data and open-source solutions, meaning that the data and solutions should always belong to the public. This is an important factor in resolving social issues by and for the citizens. The open standards of FIWARE Context Broker made this possible.

Another reason why Utrecht opted for Context Broker is because its many small complementary modules (Cygnus, CKAN, data models etc.) can be combined to build complicated systems quickly and easily. Context Broker enabled a simple, subscription-based solution for keeping track of the most recent changes in air quality. The standardised nature of the solution makes it easy to scale up the solution to cover the province, or even the whole country. Context Broker was easy to connect to Utrecht’s existing database technology and within weeks, they had answers to questions concerning cycling habits and statistics.

“The province of Utrecht stimulates a healthy lifestyle by promoting cycling and improving infrastructure for cyclists. Sniffer Bike is an example of converting these long-term strategies into practical goals. Civilians are encouraged to use sensor devices to measure the air quality they encounter during their daily routine. Currently, there are more than 500 active sensor devices that transmit vast amounts of data. This entire process and the fact that citizens are empowered to make healthy choices is made possible through the versatility of the CEF Context Broker.”                                                                                               

Stephen van Aken

Senior policy advisor and programme manager

Province of Utrecht


Benefits of Sniffer Bike

The solution provides various benefits to individual cyclists, the society overall and the environment:

  • Empowers cyclists to choose healthier routes.
  • Helps individuals suffering from lung diseases to avoid air pollution, a known trigger.
  • Supports local and provincial policy makers and urban planners in making informed decisions based on new insight.
  • Allows research agencies and national monitoring institutions to get more data to better understand air pollution.
  • Supports climate neutrality.

A look to the future

Many other organisations have shared their interest in Sniffer Bike. These parties include other provinces, municipalities and bike sharing companies within the Netherlands, but also other European cities. This means that the number of users could significantly grow in the near future, potentially stimulating inter-regional collaboration for improving infrastructure, all the while promoting climate neutrality.

How can CEF help you?

If you’re interested in using Context Broker for a project of your own, we would be happy to help you. The documentation and support services provided by CEF are described on our website and available to all. Visit us at Context Broker to learn more.

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Have your say on the future of investment in Europe’s digital economy

Until 25 October 2019, the European Commission is running consultation on the orientation of the first two years of its proposed Digital Europe programme. In the period 2021-2027, the programme will invest in digital technologies with the potential to make a difference to European citizens and businesses.

What are your views on the ongoing digital transformation of our society and economy? What do you think Europe’s role should be? How can we best ensure that citizens, businesses and public sector reap the benefits of the latest digital technologies?

The Commission is currently planning the Digital Europe programme, which would bring direct investment worth a total of €9.2 billion (subject to the agreement of the Council and the European Parliament) for the deployment of innovative digital technologies in five key areas: supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and ensuring a wide use of these digital technologies across the economy and society in line with Europe’s ambitious sustainability goals and values. Its goal will be to improve Europe's competitiveness in the global digital economy and increase its technological autonomy, by building capacity, testing digital technologies, and deploying them.

The Digital Europe programme will complement the support for connectivity made under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and is also based on the Tallinn Digital Summit declaration of September 2017.

Visit the consultation page to learn more about the Digital Europe Programme and have your say! Deadline for contributions 25 October 2019.

Estonian Veterinary and Food Board

The register controls that the requirements stipulated by the legislation that governs veterinary, food safety, market regulation, animal welfare and farm animal breeding are followed.

@Photo from Pixabay.


The register controls that the requirements stipulated by the legislation that governs veterinary, food safety, market regulation, animal welfare and farm animal breeding are followed. The Veterinary and Food Board (VFB) Official Control Information System is intended for a definite group of citizens, mainly food or feed business operators.
The Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with the Veterinary and Food Board exercises the rights of the Information System. Only officials use the system and data. The main purpose of the register is food quality and safety control management over the food handlers. The system includes licences´ management, integration with quality laboratories and risk assessment. The client portal is open for citizens and for entrepreneurs.

URLVeterinaar-Ja Toiduamet



Start date1 Jan 1999


Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components 

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Legal interoperability
Veterinary Activities Organisation Act, RT I, 29.08.2015, 38,
Infectious Animal Disease Control Act, RT I 1999, 57, 598,
Food Act, RT I 1999, 30, 415,

Socio-cultural influence factors
This register provides better food control data, management and quality, reduced paperwork and mistakes; reduce operational costs and human power, increased transparency and quality management.
Case implements a good OOP element for officials

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data

VFB Control System


Database owner

Veterinary and Food data

State Veterinarians register

GovernmentData providerVeterinary and Food data

State Feed and Food Handlers Register

GovernmentData providerVeterinary and Food data

State Food Control Laboratories Database

GovernmentData providerVeterinary and Food data
Population registerGovernmentData providerVeterinary and Food data
Business registerGovernmentData providerVeterinary and Food data
Address SystemGovernmentData providerVeterinary and Food data
Citizens (only veterinarians and licenses)CitizenData consumerVeterinary and Food data
Entrepreneurs (only veterinarians and licenses)BusinessData consumerVeterinary and Food data
Officials (incl. Ministry control officers) PortalGovernmentData consumerVeterinary and Food data


The information system has two sub information systems:
• National Register of Veterinarians, which registers and systematizes veterinarians with a valid professional certificate. The register allows to supervise veterinary practices and collect valid data for statistics.
• National Register of Food and Feed Business Operators. The register allows to collect data about people who are authorized food business operators or who are feed business operators.

Users can log in using an ID card and an ID card reader or bank user name and passwords.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Estonian state portal

The Estonian State Portal is a secure Internet environment through which Estonian residents can easily access the state’s e-services and information.

@Photo from Pixabay.


The portal is a gateway to public information and public services – it is easy, convenient, quick and secure.

The Estonian State Portal is a secure Internet environment through which Estonian residents can easily access the state’s e-services and information. It contains articles on how to resolve important or frequently occurring issues (such as applying for family benefits), and advice on what to do in certain situations.







Start date1 Jan 1998

Public matter

Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory

Enabling assets or components 

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Political commitment
Interoperability of the State Information System. Endorsed with the Directive of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications 11-0377, 22.12.2011,
Legal interoperability
Public Information Act. Riigikogu, RT I 2000, 92, 597,
Eesti teabevärava haldamise, teabe kättesaadavaks tegemise, arendamise ning kasutamise nõuded ja kord,
The administration system of state information system. Vabariigi Valitsus, RT I
29.03.2016, 6,
The data exchange layer of information system. Vabariigi Valitsus, RT I 27.09.2016,
Personal Data Protection Act. Riigikogu, RT I 2007, 24, 127,
Socio-cultural influence factors
Enabler 1. Secure data exchange layer X-Road for personal services is used.
Enabler 2. Secure mechanisms for authentication are used.
Enabler 3. Providing personal e-mail address and URL for citizens
Enabler 4. Environment for secure signing

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder role

The Information System Authority

GovernmentDatabase owner
IndividualsCitizenData consumer

Public sector agencies

GovernmentData provider


BusinessData consumer


CitizenData consumer


CitizenData consumer
EU Point of Single Contact
BusinessData consumer


The portal is useful to:

Individuals. Using the state portal is convenient and secure and saves time. EU citizens and foreigners alike can find information in the portal about their rights and obligations in communicating with the public authorities in Estonia. The thorough information the portal contains can be used to find answers to potentially problematic issues before they arise.
Queries sent via the portal are answered directly by user support or passed on to the relevant department – users do not need to do this themselves. All questions can be submitted in one place, with a guaranteed response.

Entrepreneurs. The portal is a simple and secure way to obtain information about launching and running an enterprise and about communicating with public departments. If operating in a certain field is subject to specific requirements, the portal provides entrepreneurs with step-by-step instructions on what to do. For EU business operators, the portal represents a single online contact point.

Public sector agencies offering services. The portal is a secure environment via which users are provided with convenient access to public sector information, services and contact details. The more comprehensive information the portal contains, the fewer enquiries public departments receive, since users get the answers they need straight from the portal or from user support.

Society. People spend less time dealing with state bureaucracy. Less administrative burden is placed on public sector agencies.

EU Point of Single Contact. EUGO is a network of EU state portals that provides points of single contact for entrepreneurs throughout the EU. Through EUGO information is easily found about which licences, notifications or permits are needed to start a business in any EU country. is part of the EUGO network. EUGO operates under the Services Directive which aims to fulfil the goal of a digital single market.

Estonian e-Residency
The Republic of Estonia is the first country to offer e-Residency — a transnational digital identity available to anyone in the world interested in administering a location-independent business online. e-Residency additionally enables secure and convenient digital services that facilitate credibility and trust online.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Estonian Sports Registry

Sports Registry is a public database, which collects data on sports organisations, their members and coaches.

@Photo from Pixabay.


In order to keep an account of Estonian sports organisations, sports schools, sport facilities and coaches with the aim to organise and manage sports activities and enhance participation in sports activities, the Government of the Republic has established a sports database which belongs to the state information system. Sports Registry is a public database, which collects data on sports organisations, their members and coaches.

URLSport Register


Start date1 Jan 2011


Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components 

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Legal interoperability
General regulation for founding and maintaining the Estonian Sports Registry”., RT I, 21.02.2014, 19,
Sport Act, RT I, 30.12.2015, 1,
Socio-cultural influence factors
This registry provides a nation-wide overview about Estonian sports organisations, their members and coaches. Furthermore, this registry can be considering as a useful tool for citizens, parents, and policy-making authorities as well.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data

The Sports Department at the Ministry of Culture

GovernmentDatabase ownerSport data
Foundation of Sports TrainingNGOData consumerSport data
CitizensCitizenData consumerSport data
Public administrationGovernmentData consumerSport data
Register of ProfessionsGovernmentData providerSport data
Address Data SystemGovernmentData providerSport data
Population RegisterGovernmentData providerSport data
Commercial RegisterGovernmentData providerSport data
Estonian Education Information System GovernmentData providerSport data
State Register of State and Local Government InstitutionsGovernmentData providerSport data
Local Organisations of SportsNGOData consumerSport data


Data architecture

The Sports Registry consists four interrelated sub-registers:
• Sub-database of sports organizations
• Sub-database of sports schools
• Sub-database of sports objects
• Sub-database of coaches


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Estonian Smart Road System (Tark Tee)

The Traffic information system (Tark Tee) provides information about road conditions, restrictions and road works. Tark Tee helps to plan a safe journey.

@Photo from Pixabay.


The Traffic information system (Tark Tee) provides information about road conditions, restrictions and road works. Tark Tee helps to plan a safe journey. The Traffic Information centre is available through a toll free number. The system has modernised and integrated with apps like Waze. During the last years, a close cooperation with the Estonian capital city Tallinn has been created.



Start date1 Jan 2012

Public matter

Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components 

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Political commitment
Traffic restrictions disclosure and traffic ban area permit and authorization procedures, RT I, 07.01.2015, 7,
Statute of the Road Administration, RT I, 06.03.2013, 19,
Traffic Act, RT I 2010, 44, 261,
Socio-cultural influence factors
Smart Road provides better warning system for road users, it facilitates better management for traffic signs and better routing with operative information. By implementation of this system, road conditions and general information and restrictions are available from the same place for different users. Weather information and traffic frequency counter’s information updated every 15 minutes. And also, all restrictions published 48h before.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data

The Road Administration


Database owner

Traffic data

Road cameras


Data recorder

Traffic data

Road weather stations


Data recorder

Traffic data

Traffic sign management


Data controller

Traffic data

Road information center


Data controller

Traffic data

CitizensCitizenData consumerTraffic data
Public administrations


Data consumerTraffic data


• Public access allows viewing road information, such as road camera pictures, road weather, road works and speed slimits, routing system with special options for heacy and large vehicles.
• Authorized access allows submitting and managing information in the data center.
• Database is powered by PostGIS and ESRI ArcGIS Server.
• For example, all traffic signs are tagged with a QR code (containing information about the sign type, material, sign label etc). Whean a aign is installed on the road, it will be registered with the Smart road mobile app. App sends GPS coordinates to data center and receives list of roads nearby. Afetr confirming correct road, data from the QR code is sent to data center. If the sign is removed or damaged or temporarily disabled, it is visible through the app.

Linking registers

Data is provided from:
• road cameras
• traffic frequency counters
• road weather stations
• traffic sign management
• road information center
• accidents
• weight/speed limits
• parking areas

Lessons learned 

• Better warning system for road users
• Better management for traffic signs
• Better routing with operative information
• Good cooperation with Tallinn city and apps as Waze
• Covered all state roads
• Road conditions, general information and restrictions are available from the same time and place (coded and automatically) for different users (information systems and apps)
• Weather information and traffic frequency counters information updated every 15 minutes
• Restrictions published 48h before (at least the licenses will force)


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Estonian Register of Professions

The register of occupational qualifications systems is a state register, which contains information on sector skills' councils and different informations on occupations.

@Photo from Pixabay.


The register of occupational qualifications systems is a state register, which contains information on sector skills' councils, competence based occupational qualification standards, occupational qualifications and their levels, occupational qualification certificates, the procedures for awarding occupational qualifications, and awarding bodies. The Estonian Register of Professions gives the data about occupational qualification standards, occupational qualification certificates, catalogue of occupational qualifications.



Start date1 Jan 2001

Public matter

Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components 

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Legal interoperability
Professions Act, RT I, 30.01.2015, 2,
Establishment of the Register of Professions, RT I, 29.07.2016, 15,
Socio-cultural influence factors
Users of Register of Professions
• Estonian Qualifications Authority
• Awarding Bodies
• Professional Certificate owners
• Ministries, offices and boards
• Schools

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data

Register of Professions (The Ministry of Education and Research)

GovernmentData providerQualification data citizen view (all personal professional certificates, incl. expired)GovernmentData consumerQualification data
Citizens (personal data or statistics)CitizenData consumerQualification data
Public administrations officers (statistics and access if legally allowed)GovernmentData consumerQualification data
Population RegisterGovernmentData providerQualification data
Estonian National GeoportalGovernmentData providerQualification data
Estonian Sports Register (Licence to provide service)GovernmentData providerQualification data
Register of Economic Activities (Licence to practice)GovernmentData providerQualification data
Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Professional qualification of training provider and trainee)GovernmentData consumerQualification data
Statistics Estonia (Rate of qualified population)GovernmentData consumerQualification data
Estonian Environment Information Centre (Licence to practice)GovernmentData providerQualification data
Punishment Register (Professional qualification of trainee)GovernmentData consumerQualification data
Estonian Education Information System (Professional qualification of VET teacher; Professional standards)GovernmentData consumerQualification data
Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (Qualification of service provider or support applicant)GovernmentData consumerQualification data
Estonian Rescue Board (Licence to provide service)GovernmentData consumerQualification data


Structure of the Register:
• sub-register of Professional Councils
• sub-register of Awarding Bodies
• sub-register of Professional Standards,
• sub-register of Professional Certificates (and Professional Certificate Supplement)

For example: Register of professional standards is an online database with preinsertion application; automatic termination of disclosure and reports are re-newed every night. Estonian Education Information System uses X-road service for validating and presenting connection between curricula and professional standard (Curricula must base on professional standard).

Linking registers

Through national X-road link to:
• Population Register (database of citizens ID number and name; authentication of register users wit ID-Card)
• Estonian National Geoportal (addresses of awarding bodies) citizen view (all personal professional certificates, inc expired)
• Estonian Sports Register (Licence to provide service)
• Register of Economic Activities (Licence to practice)
• Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Professional qualification of training provider and trainee)
• Statistics Estonia (Rate of qualified population)
• Estonian Environment Information Centre (Licence to practice)
• Punishment Register (Professional qualification of trainee)
• Estonian Education Information System (Professional qualification of VET teacher;Professional standards)
• Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (Qualification of service provider or support applicant)
• Estonian Rescue Board (Licence to provide service)


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Estonian Register of Employment

All employees with whom an employer has entered into an employment contract must be registered with the Tax and Customs Board in the employment register when starting to work or beginning service.

@Photo from Pixabay.


All employees with whom an employer has entered into an employment contract must be registered with the Tax and Customs Board in the employment register when starting to work or beginning service. Start, suspension and termination of employment will be listed in the register and the data regarding workforce medical insurance will be sent to the Health Insurance Board directly from the register. The Estonian Health Insurance Fund uses the data of the employment register for granting the health insurance benefits;
• the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund uses the data of the employment register for registration of persons as unemployed, termination of the persons’ registration as unemployed, for granting unemployment allowances and other unemployment insurance benefits prescribed by the Unemployment Insurance Act;
• the Social Insurance Board uses the data of the employment register for verification of the employment status;
• the Police and Border Guard Board uses the data of the employment register for exercising supervisory control over the working conditions of foreigners;
• the Estonian Tax and Customs Board uses the data of the employment register for monitoring the performance of the tax liabilities of taxable persons.

URLTax and Customs Board


Start date1 Jan 2014

Public matter

Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory

Enabling assets or components 

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Legal interoperability
The establishment of the register of employment, RT I, 22.05.2014, 1,
Taxation Act, RT I, 16.04.2014, 2,
Socio-cultural influence factors
This OOP case reduces administration costs for governmental agencies and saves costs (both the tax collection and social benefits agencies). It results in faster and efficient verification of employment and increases tax collections. This register facilitates digital processes and a paper-free procedure. It boosts the social guarantees, social safety environment, and employees´ awareness. Moreover, it decreases illegal employment. This register provides for citizens the clear understanding of tax payment by employee.

In addition, this case allows agencies to share information, which eliminates duplication. Regarding to once-only principle vision, this case eliminates the need for employers to submit employee data to multiple government agencies and increases transparency.
This case has good potential for cross-border implementation.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data

Register for Agencies of State and Municipalities

GovernmentData providerEmployment data

Estonian Health Insurance Fund

GovernmentData consumerEmployment data

Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fundtions

GovernmentData consumerEmployment data

Estonian Labour Inspectorate

GovernmentData consumerEmployment data
Social Insurance BoardGovernmentData consumerEmployment data
Police and Border Guard BoardGovernmentData consumerEmployment data
EmployeesGovernmentData consumerEmployment data
Tax and Customs BoardGovernmentData consumerEmployment data


The electronic solution eliminates the need for in-person visits to a service bureau for registration. Registration can occur in a variety of ways:

• Web registration through the e-Tax Board/e-Customs websites by entering data manually or uploading a file
• Registration via a machine-to-machine (M2M) interface, using XRoad technology, the standard for integrating public registers and information systems in Estonia
• Mobile registration via a phone call or SMS message.

Linking registers

• Estonian Health Insurance Fund
• Eesti Töötukassa (Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund)
• Social Insurance Board
• Police and Border Guard Board
• Tax and Customs Board.

Lessons learned 

• Enhances surveillance related to labour taxes
• Reduces administration and saves costs
• Enables faster and efficient verification of employment
• Helps increase tax collections
• Enables digital processes and a paper-free procedure
• Eliminates the need for employers to submit employee data to multiple government agencies
• Allows multiple agencies to share information, eliminating duplication


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Estonian Portal of the Agricultural Registers (e-PRIA)

e-PRIA is the client portal of the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB), through which clients can submit documents to ARIB and check their details in ARIB's registers. Keepers can use the portal to submit a variety of declarations and also check registry data.

@Photo from Pixabay.


e-PRIA is the client portal of the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB), through which clients can submit documents to ARIB and check their details in ARIB's registers. Keepers can use the portal to submit a variety of declarations and also check registry data. It is also possible to use the portal to apply for a range of support.
The register consists of data on identified farm animals, the places in which they are kept; certified abattoirs and animal waste processing companies are recorded in the register of farm animals. The personal, contact and bank details of all those who apply to ARIB for European Union or state support, as well as those applying for the determination of a production quota or national amount, an import or export licence or an export support or inward processing certificate are recorded in the register of agricultural support and land parcels.



Start date1 Jan 2006

Public matter

Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components 

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Legal interoperability
Establishment Act, RT I 2004, 39, 264,
“Estonian national development plan for the European Union’s Structural Funds –
Single programming document 2006-2006”, measure no. 4.5, RTL 2004, 82, 1308,
Establishment of the register of farm animals, RT I 2000, 45, 284,
Socio-cultural influence factors
e-PRIA is intended for a definite group of citizens, mainly located in rural areas and connected to agriculture. It provides detailed overview about applicants, grants, conditions, business plans, trends, dynamics and reporting administration.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data


CitizenData consumerFarmer data
PRIA GovernmentData consumerFarmer data
Population RegisterGovernmentData providerFarmer data
Business registerGovernmentData providerFarmer data
Address systemGovernmentData providerFarmer data
Register of agricultural support and agricultural parcelsGovernmentData providerFarmer data
Administration System of School Milk SubsidyGovernmentData providerFarmer data
Rural development aid systemGovernmentData providerFarmer data
Rural development support administration systemGovernmentData providerFarmer data
Client register of ARIB System of National SubsidiesGovernmentData providerFarmer data
Estonian Agricultural Geographical Information System (EAGIS)GovernmentData providerFarmer data
Veterinary and Food administrationGovernmentData providerFarmer data


All ARIB clients can use e-PRIA, users can log in using an ID card and an ID card reader or bank username and passwords.

Linking registers:

• Register of agricultural support and agricultural parcels
• Administration System of School Milk Subsidy
• Rural development aid system
• Rural development support administration system
• Client register of ARIB
• Estonian Agricultural Geographical Information System (EAGIS)
• Administration System of National Subsidies


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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