
European Commission Digital

CEF welcomes Big Data Test Infrastructure

This November, Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) welcomes a new Building Block: Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI)

This new Building Block helps public administrations experiment with their big data to gain insights that can lead to better decision making and strategic developments. 

What can BDTI help you with? 

Public entities manage large data volumes. However, they are capturing only a fraction of the potential value from their data and analytics. 

How can public entities handle these large data volumes more successfully? 

BDTI offers an online environment to public entities to: 

  • experiment with big data sources, methods and tools
  • launch big data and data analytics pilot projects via a selection of software tools
  • share data sources across policy domains and organisations 
  • receive support and access to big data best practice cases and methodologies.

BDTI enables public entities to focus on deepening their knowledge on insights and value from their data, instead of  having to set up and maintain complex data experiment environments. 

What does BDTI offer you? 

BDTI covers different elements of data processing, including: data collection, generation, management and publication,  ingestion, transformation for processing, analysis, exploration and visualisation. 

Each element can be selected and used individually and is based on existing environment templates. 

CEF Digital 2018 invites you to meet BDTI at the "Meet the new CEF Building Block events" on 7 December in Brussels. 

Register here