
European Commission Digital

EMSFEI published a key document on eInvoicing transmission and interoperability

The European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing (EMSFEI) has released a document addressing recommendations on transmission and interoperability in the context of eInvoicing.  

The document's main objectives are to:

  • identify a number of concrete issues in the area of transmission
  • make recommendations for actions that stakeholders (including the European Commission) could take to solve the issues and close the gaps
  • concentrate on how to improve interoperability.

The document aims to answer the following questions:

 ‘How do we ensure that suppliers, especially smaller suppliers, can safely and efficiently transmit or deliver by electronic means eInvoices to their buyers or contracting entities and how do we ensure that all buyers, can safely and efficiently receive by electronic means eInvoices in a form that they are able to process? What gaps, if any, exist in technical standards or business practices to support transmission and interoperability?'

EMSFEI Report on Interoperability

European legislation (Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement) called for the creation of the European standard. The Directive states that that all contracting authorities and contracting entities must receive and process electronic invoices that comply with the European standard. 18 April 2019 is the legal deadline for the transposition of the Directive into national law.

Ahead of the legal deadline, the EMSFEI documents aim to facilitate implementation of the Directive and provide clarity on key issues relating to the European standard on eInvoicing.

Where can I find the EMSFEI documents?

You can download the documents for your own reference or to disseminate with interested parties. The EMSFEI produces such documents on a six-month basis. You can consult the EMSFEI's guidance paper supporting public administrations with the adoption of electronic invoicing (eInvoicing) in public procurement and other reference documents published here. For an understanding of the status of implementation of B2G eInvoicing in EU Member States you can consult the eInvoicing Country Factsheets on CEF Digital 2018.

The CEF eInvoicing Building Block serves to support public administrations in complying with the aforementioned eInvoicing Directive, and helps solution providers adapt their services accordingly. Via the CEF eInvoicing User Community, you can also post comments and questions on the content of these documents and chat directly with CEF eInvoicing experts.

Download the report

CEF eInvoicing event

CEF eInvoicing is organising an event to mark the 
four months' countdown to the deadline to comply with the European standard on eInvoicing in Brussels on 4 December 2018.

 Register here.