
European Commission Digital

The official report of the High Level Conference on Digital & E-Government

Picture: European Commission Director-General DIGIT, Gertrud Ingestad, Austrian Minister Margarete Schramböck,  together with colleagues from the ministerial panel, keynote speakers and panellists
Credit: BMDW/Hartberger

Today, 8 November 2018, the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union published the official report of the High Level Conference on Digital & E-Government, at which the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks, were presented.

On 26 September 2018, the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union hosted the High Level Conference on Digital & E-Government in Vienna, Austria.

Distinguished speakers discussed the implementation of the 2017 Tallinn Declaration on eGovernment and the online recognition of electronic identification (eID) means between Member States (as mandated by the eIDAS Regulation).

The Tallinn Declaration refer calls on the Commission to ensure the sustainability of efforts promoting interoperability, such as the Connecting Europe Building Blocks, noting that:

"[The Signatories call upon] the Commission to prepare proposals on the future (post 2020) and sustainability of existing EU level cross-border digital service infrastructures and building blocks, including their funding and management, in anticipation of the end of the current Connecting Europe Facility programme and based on the experiences and evaluation of the large scale pilots – within the process of the next EU multiannual financial framework preparations".

CEF eID primarily supports the Member States in the roll-out of the eIDAS Network (the technical infrastructure which connects national eID schemes). Service Providers (public administrations and private sector organisations) may then connect their services to this network, making these services accessible across borders and allowing them to enjoy the legal recognition brought by eIDAS. This cross-border eID, in line with the eIDAS Regulation and enabled by the CEF eID building block, is termed eIDAS eID.

The Austrian Presidency in Vienna welcomed more than 250 participants from EU Member States, EFTA states, the Western Balkans and Eastern Partner countries, as well as representatives from EU institutions, the OECD and participants from the private sector.

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