
European Commission Digital

eIDAS holds webinar series for the private sector 

Since October, a series of webinar have been organised to provide information and assistance for businesses on the use and integration of eID and trust services into business activities. 

The webinars focused on explaining the content of the eIDAS Regulation and present concrete use cases of on the main eID and trust service solutions (E.g. eID, eSignatures, eSeals, eTimestamps, website authentication certificates and electronic registered delivery services).

There are two more webinars planned in November. The upcoming webinars focus on the use of eIDAS solutions in different sectors, providing real life examples and experiences from representatives of European businesses.

Webinar 6: The benefits of eID and trust services in the transport sector

On 7 November 2018 at 13.00 CET (Brussels time) 

Description: This webinar aims to demonstrate the added value of introducing eIDAS solutions into your daily business in the transport sector, focussing on:

  • Specific applications
  • Benefits for SMEs in the transport sector: productivity gains, customer experience
  • Practical examples of implementation

Webinar 7: The benefits of eID and trust services in the professional services sector

Date: 15/11/2018

Time: 13.00 CET (Brussels Time)

Description: This webinar aims to demonstrate the added value of introducing eIDAS solutions into your daily business in the professional services sector, focussing on:

  • Specific applications

  • Benefits for SMEs in the professional services sector: productivity gains, customer experience

  • Practical examples of implementation

What is eIDAS? 

On 29 September 2018 all online public services requiring electronic identification assurance corresponding to a level of 'substantial' or 'high' had to be able to accept the notified eID schemes of other EU countries.

The mutual recognition of eID schemes across Europe is mandated by Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (commonly known as the eIDAS Regulation). 

Find out about eIDAS for SMEs project

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