
European Commission Digital

CEF eInvoicing event- Four months until the European standard deadline. 

The European Commission is hosting one last eInvoicing event on 4 December 2018 to help Member States implement the eInvoicing Directive 2014/55/EU ahead of its scheduled deadline in April 2019. 

This is one of the last chances you may have to get acquainted with the technical and practical implementation processes to successfully implement eInvoicing.

Speakers will include members of the EU administration, Member States’ policy makers and representatives from the private sector. The speakers’ achievements and key contributions to eInvoicing will be presented in dedicated panel conversations.

Nikita Stampa

Nikita Stampa is Head of Unit for Innovative and eProcurement in DG GROW and is in charge of eInvoicing policy. Before that, he was appointed as the Deputy Head of the Unit "Services to consumers" in the Directorate General for the Internal Market and Services in the European Commission. The unit's main responsibility is the full implementation and enforcement of the Directive on Services in the Internal Market. Nikita also worked in DG Enterprise and industry where he was involved in international matters such as international trade negotiations and regulatory dialogues in particular with China on textiles and toys products. Before joining the Commission, Nikita acquired an extensive overseas experience mainly in South America and Africa, in particular in microfinance and fair trade.

Irena Rivière-Osipov

Irena Riviere-Osipov is Policy Officer in charge of eInvoicing and IT procurement. Irena's passion for Digital is a long, beautiful and strong professional story. Shortly after she graduated law in Paris, specializing in both European Law and International Economic Law, she joined the European Commission, always working in the Internet world, from the Digital Agenda for Europe since 2009 to eProcurement today.

She is currently managing 2 key projects: the set-up of an IT procurement policy for the EU and the eInvoicing Directive implementation. Since 2008, she is at the core of the main achievements of the European Commission related to the digital economy. With passion and commitment, she built together with other members of her team the Digital Agenda for Europe, a strategic policy implemented from 2009 to 2014 which had a huge impact on the development of Internet in Europe. She moved on the to the eProcurement world, to ensure that the public money in Europe is spent to the best benefit of all EU citizens. 

Andrea Caccia

Andrea Caccia is a chartered information system engineer and a senior consultant for process digitalisation. He is Chair of CEN/TC 434 on electronic invoicing, member of the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing (a European Commission Expert Group) and member of the Italian e-invoicing forum. He is also member of CEN/TC 440 on public procurement and CEN/TC 445 on digital information exchange in the insurance sector and other initiatives at national, European and international level related to e-invoicing, e-procurement and eIDAS trust services.

Caroline Corneau

Caroline Corneau works at the European Commission Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT) as Project Manager for the CEF eInvoicing Building Block. Her background is in knowledge management, information architecture and user research. She first joined the EU institutions in 2009 as website administrator for the European Parliament Library, and proceeded as online services manager for the European Parliamentary Research Service.

Christian Rasmussen

Christian Rasmussen is currently working as a senior Business Development Manager at e-Boks A/S. Since 2009 he has been advising the European Commission on digitisation projects and strategy, including Horizon2020 and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), by acting as ambassador for the developed ICT components funded by EU.

Christian has a vast experience in working with governments, private sector, consulting and research/development in Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Middle East. He was one of the first agile managers to be trained and educated at LEGO, and he was the first portfolio manager hired to build up an agile PMO within the Danish government.

Andre Hoddevik

André Hoddevik is Head of e-procurement unit in the Department for public procurement in the Norwegian Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) and Secretary General in OpenPEPPOL AISBL.

He was the Project Director of the Pan-European Public Procurement Online (PEPPOL) project 2008-2012. He is member of the European Commission Multi-Stakeholder Expert Group on eProcurement (EXEP) and Multi-Stakeholder Forum on eInvoicing (EMSFEI). André has been working with shared services and eProcurement in the public sector since 1999 and are currently in charge of Norwegian public sector eProcurement activities at national level.

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 Find out more about CEF eInvoicing