
European Commission Digital

CEF at the Smart City World Congress

CEF/FIWARE booth at the Smart City Expo World Congress

Smart City World Congress

From November 13-15 the Smart City Expo World Congress convened in Barcelona, Spain.

Smart City Expo World Congress brings cities together to promote and share urban innovation around the globe.

Owing to factors such has high population density, cities and urban centres are well placed to leverage on the digital revolution. This international summit linked the urban and the digital aspects to focus on the smart cities of the future. This year a record number of 844 exhibitors, including 700 cities and 146 countries were present at the congress and more than 20,000 visitors roamed the venue.

The European Commission, represented by DG DIGIT's Connecting Europe Facility consortium, attended the Expo too. CEF presented the new Building Block Context Broker at the FIWARE booth throughout the event.

This event was a great opportunity for CEF to interact with European cities and Member States representatives as well as companies working for public entities and share how CEF can help public services throughout their digitalisation journey. The Expo enabled  CEF to present the new Building Block Context Broker, developed by FIWARE, to a wide audience.  Context Broker enables organisations, including public administrations to share data in real time at the right time. This message appealed to many public entities, within the European Union and abroad. 

What is FIWARE?

Juanjo Hierro FIWARE CFO, Stefano de Panfilis FIWARE CIO and the CEF Team

FIWARE is a framework of open source platforms that facilitate the development of smart solutions. It is an independent open community whose members have committed "to build an open sustainable ecosystem around public, royalty-free and implementation-driven software platform standards that will ease the development of new Smart Applications in multiple sectors".  FIWARE is the founder of Context Broker, an Application Programming Interface that eases the development of Smart Applications. Since Summer 2018, Context Broker has joined Connecting Europe Facility.

Context Broker and FIWARE in Brussels 

Discover Context Broker at the new CEF Building Block events on 7 December in Brussels

Register here