
European Commission Digital

CEF welcomes eArchiving- a new CEF Building Block


How can a large amount of data be managed efficiently and securely? 

In all Member States there are legal obligations for public institutions to keep certain data and documents in the national archives for a certain amount of time. Taking the EU as a whole, several requirements justify the use of an EU-wide archiving solution. 

This includes for example the digital preservation, Recommendation 2011/711/EU, which invites Member States to exchange strategies for long-term preservation of digital cultural materials. 

What is eArchiving? 

The new eArchiving building block is based on and continues the work delivered by the European Archival Records and Knowledge Preservation (E-ARK) projects. 

At the core of eArchiving service platform are technical specifications and compliant software developed and piloted under the E-ARK project. The E-ARK project ran between 2014 and 2017 and was partially funded by the Commission. 

eArchiving offers short-,medium- and long-term benefits, such as: 

  • easier ways for data owners to exchange data between organisations and with individuals (which will help meet the data portability requirements in the General Data Protection Regulation); 
  • better marked opportunities and increased competitiveness for IT providers, thanks to easier archival data exchange across borders; 
  • increased cross-border availability of commercial eArchiving services for the public and private sectors alike; 
  • greater government transparency as a result of improvements in eArchiving capability and public access to archived digital records; 
  • the ability to create new innovative services based on archived digital data; 
  • enhanced training and employment opportunities for staff by using a common system; 
  • improved long-term storage and availability of public and private sector use. 

In addition, eArchiving will help achieve a significant reduction in the cost of implementing and maintaining electronic archiving solutions (e.g. economies of scale), and lead to greater efficiency. 

Discover how the Danish National Archives and The Republic of Slovenia National Archives already utilised eArchiving in their day-to-day operations. 

Meet eArchiving 

DLM Forum (Members Only) Meeting in Vienna, 28th-29th November, 2018 

CEF new Building Block launch event in Brussels, 7th December, 2018 

Discover eArchiving