
European Commission Digital

The official report of the High Level Conference on Digital & E-Government

Picture: European Commission Director-General DIGIT, Gertrud Ingestad, Austrian Minister Margarete Schramböck,  together with colleagues from the ministerial panel, keynote speakers and panellists
Credit: BMDW/Hartberger

Today, 8 November 2018, the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union published the official report of the High Level Conference on Digital & E-Government, at which the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks, were presented.

On 26 September 2018, the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union hosted the High Level Conference on Digital & E-Government in Vienna, Austria.

Distinguished speakers discussed the implementation of the 2017 Tallinn Declaration on eGovernment and the online recognition of electronic identification (eID) means between Member States (as mandated by the eIDAS Regulation).

The Tallinn Declaration refer calls on the Commission to ensure the sustainability of efforts promoting interoperability, such as the Connecting Europe Building Blocks, noting that:

"[The Signatories call upon] the Commission to prepare proposals on the future (post 2020) and sustainability of existing EU level cross-border digital service infrastructures and building blocks, including their funding and management, in anticipation of the end of the current Connecting Europe Facility programme and based on the experiences and evaluation of the large scale pilots – within the process of the next EU multiannual financial framework preparations".

CEF eID primarily supports the Member States in the roll-out of the eIDAS Network (the technical infrastructure which connects national eID schemes). Service Providers (public administrations and private sector organisations) may then connect their services to this network, making these services accessible across borders and allowing them to enjoy the legal recognition brought by eIDAS. This cross-border eID, in line with the eIDAS Regulation and enabled by the CEF eID building block, is termed eIDAS eID.

The Austrian Presidency in Vienna welcomed more than 250 participants from EU Member States, EFTA states, the Western Balkans and Eastern Partner countries, as well as representatives from EU institutions, the OECD and participants from the private sector.

Join the conversation on Twitter! #ConnectingEurope #CEFDigital #eu2018at

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Meet the new CEF Building Blocks

It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of Big Data Test Infrastructure, Context Broker and eArchiving Building Blocks. This is the first extension of the number of Building Blocks financed by Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and an exciting opportunity to bring European Added Value to the areas of data infrastructures, digital archiving and real-time data. 

To commence this we are hosting an introduction event on 7 December 2018.  Come and join us! 

Connecting Europe - Introducing the new Building Blocks

Date: 7 December 2018

Location: Brussels, Belgium 

The three new Building Blocks will help build the next generation of European digital public service: 

Big Data Test Infrastructure 

BDTI is a big data platform that offers virtual environments, allowing public organisations to experiment with big data sources. This platform enables participants to launch pilot projects on big data and data analytics through a selection of software tools. 


eArchiving helps public entities tackle the challenge of short, medium and long-term data management and reuse. For example, eArchiving supports Member State's national archives to digitalise the vast collection of documents they are guarding. 

Read how eArchiving enables the Danish National Archives to become a leader in standardised digital archiving in Europe. 

Context Broker

Context Broker, developed by FIWARE,  enables organisations and public administrations to share data in real time at the right time. 

Use Context Broker for your European cross-border projects looking to set-up and operate a digital service infrastructure for sharing data in real-time at the right time. Context Broker enables you to collect data at large scale and profit from it to transform your application into a smart application.

Read how Context Broker helped Barcelona mitigate air pollution

Come join us welcoming the new BB's

This occasion will also provide updates on the implementation of the previously established CEF eDelivery, eID, eInvoicing, eSignature and eTranslation Building Block in Europe's Digital Single Market. 

Are you interested to learn more about our new CEF Building Blocks? 

Join us at the new CEf Building Blocks launch event on 7 December in Brussels! 

Join the conversation on Twitter! #ConnectingEurope #CEFDigital 

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CEF eDelivery: SMP version 4.1 RC- Available now! 

The European Commission is happy to announce the release candidate of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)  eDelivery Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) version 4.1.

 This release is conformant with the eDelivery SMP profile based on the OASIS Service Metadata Publishing (BDX SMP) specifications. It is a candidate version not meant to be used in production. Unless significant bugs are identified by clients during testing, the final release will be available on 30 November 2018.

The SMP enables participants of an eDelivery messaging infrastructure to dynamically discover each other's capabilities (legal, organisational, and technical). 

The main new features are: database optimization for UI, automatic database script generation, database audit, business event logging enhancement and implementation of an SMP administration console.

The SMP administration console includes four user types: SMP administrator, system administrator, service group administrator and anonymous user.

Please note that the CEF eDelivery SMP can't be used in the PEPPOL eDelivery network since the eDelivery SMP profile is not interroperable with the PEPPOL Transport Infrastructure SMP specification.

Download SMP v4.1 RC

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Register for the 1st eTranslation conference

Are you lost in translations and interested to experience the possibilities of electronic translation tools and service, then come join us at the 1st eTranslation conference on 29 and 30 November in Brussels.  The European Commission, via a Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) consortium, is excited to host you and inspire you to 

The conference

Efficient and secure information exchange across European borders is vital for European public administrations. However, they often face lanaguage barrier challenges. CEF eTranslation enables digital public services to become multilingual and overcome these challenges. 

The first eTranslation conference will help you achieve your translation goals. This event will include best practice example of how to successfully integrate eTranslation within public services, deployment use cases of various other language tools and technologies such as cross-lingual search options, interactive machine translation, post-editing options, semantic interoperability and more. 

Detailed conference agenda


Contact us at or +49 681 85 77 55 283 

More news from CEF Digital 2018

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eIDAS holds webinar series for the private sector 

Since October, a series of webinar have been organised to provide information and assistance for businesses on the use and integration of eID and trust services into business activities. 

The webinars focused on explaining the content of the eIDAS Regulation and present concrete use cases of on the main eID and trust service solutions (E.g. eID, eSignatures, eSeals, eTimestamps, website authentication certificates and electronic registered delivery services).

There are two more webinars planned in November. The upcoming webinars focus on the use of eIDAS solutions in different sectors, providing real life examples and experiences from representatives of European businesses.

Webinar 6: The benefits of eID and trust services in the transport sector

On 7 November 2018 at 13.00 CET (Brussels time) 

Description: This webinar aims to demonstrate the added value of introducing eIDAS solutions into your daily business in the transport sector, focussing on:

  • Specific applications
  • Benefits for SMEs in the transport sector: productivity gains, customer experience
  • Practical examples of implementation

Webinar 7: The benefits of eID and trust services in the professional services sector

Date: 15/11/2018

Time: 13.00 CET (Brussels Time)

Description: This webinar aims to demonstrate the added value of introducing eIDAS solutions into your daily business in the professional services sector, focussing on:

  • Specific applications

  • Benefits for SMEs in the professional services sector: productivity gains, customer experience

  • Practical examples of implementation

What is eIDAS? 

On 29 September 2018 all online public services requiring electronic identification assurance corresponding to a level of 'substantial' or 'high' had to be able to accept the notified eID schemes of other EU countries.

The mutual recognition of eID schemes across Europe is mandated by Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (commonly known as the eIDAS Regulation). 

Find out about eIDAS for SMEs project

More news from CEF Digital 2018

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CEF Building Blocks Presented at the Swedish Conference eFÖRVALTNINGSDAGARNA


In October 2018, the Swedish conference eFÖRVALTNINGSDAGARNA brought together in Stockholm around 1000 participants working with business development, digitisation and digitalisation, and IT as well as with e-service development and adoption, in the Swedish public sector. The event ran over two days, filled with the latest information regarding e-government and digital transformation.

This year, three presentations regarding different Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks were delivered to the audience covering eDelivery, eID as well as eArchiving, one of the latest Building Blocks to join the CEF Digital 2018 programme (alongside Context Broker and Big Data Test Infrastructure).  

The Agency for Digital Government (DIGG), is the Swedish agency responsible for eDelivery and eID. Martin Völcker presented the status of eDelivery and the advantages of using it for secure messaging delivery both nationally as well as internationally. A presentation of the ongoing projects nationally raised a lot of interest. Roger Fagerud presented the status of eID and the eIDAS regulation, and what the users in Sweden need to think about when they implement the newest version of eID for identification in their organisation.

Karin Bredenberg from the National Archives of Sweden, currently working on the project E-ARK4ALL (which is setting up the eArchiving Building Block, presented both the project and the new Building Block. The audience, as well as the visitors in the Swedish National Archives booth at the conference, are positive about the new Building Block and look forward to being able to review the specifications, and the upcoming availability of training, as well as sample software.

To build a Digital Single Market, the CEF programme funds a set of generic and reusable Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs), known as Building Blocks. The CEF Building Blocks offer basic capabilities that can be reused in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders and sectors.

All the information needed to see how the CEF Building Blocks can benefit your organisation or project are available on CEF Digital 2018.