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Towards a better use of our Genetic Resources English (en) français (fr)


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"L'agriculture familiale : pour une agriculture plus durable et plus compétitive en Europe et dans le monde" français (fr)


Conférence "Family farming: A dialogue towards more sustainable and resilient farming in Europe and the world", Bruxelles

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Commissioner Dacian Cioloș welcomes the launching of the UN's International Year of Family Farming 2014 English (en)


"Family farms are the foundations on which Europe's Common agricultural policy was built. They continue to stay at the heart of European agriculture as robust generators of competitiveness, growth and jobs, of dynamic and sustainable rural economies. Over 95% of the farm holdings in the EU are family farms. ...

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EU, China to cooperate on food, agriculture and biotechnology research English (en)


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'Enjoy, it´s from Europe' – a new promotion policy for EU agricultural and food products English (en) français (fr) română (ro)


The European Commission today presented a draft reform of the information and promotion policy for European agricultural and food products. This new promotion policy, which benefits from a more substantial budget and will in the future be supported by a European executive agency, is intended to act as key for opening up new markets.

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Intervention lors du débat conjoint sur la réforme de la Politique Agricole Commune et les mesures de transition français (fr)


Session plénière du Parlement européen, Strasbourg

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Commissioner Dacian Cioloş welcomes European Parliament vote of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy English (en) română (ro)


“I welcome today's vote by the European Parliament on the reform of the Common Agriculture Policy. This is an important day for European farmers, but also for all EU citizens concerned about the quality of their food and the sustainability of agricultural production methods. The reformed CAP will be better balanced between farmers, regions and Member States, with a special focus on young farmers.

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European Parliament votes in favour of the EU's budget framework 2014-2020 English (en)


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Commissioner Cioloş travels to Asia English (en)


Commissioner Dacian Cioloş visited Japan (Nov 10-12) and South Korea (Nov 12-14), participating in a range of events to publicise and promote EU quality agriculture products.

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Myanmar–EU Taskforce: Agricultural aspects English (en)


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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01/04/2015 |  Seitenanfang