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Ab 1. Juli neue EU-Etikettierungsregeln und neues EU-Bio-Logo


Am 1. Juli 2010 treten neue EU-Vorschriften für die Kennzeichnung ökologischer/biologischer Lebensmittel und für die Abbildung des neuen EU-Öko/Bio-Siegels in Kraft. Das so genannte „Euro-Blatt“ ist nun für alle verpackten Bioprodukte, die in einem EU-Mitgliedstaat hergestellt wurden und die notwendigen Normen erfüllen, verbindlich vorgeschrieben.


Royal Highland Show, Scotland English (en)


On Thursday June 24, Commissioner Dacian Cioloș attended the Royal Highland Show just outside Edinburgh. The Commissioner took great interest in the livestock aspects of the show, visiting the sheep pens and the cattle competitions.

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Commissioner Cioloş in London English (en)


Commissioner Dacian Cioloș was in London on Wednesday June 23 for a bilateral meeting with new UK Secretary of State Caroline Spelman. UK Farm Minister Jim Paice was also present, and Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Moore subsequently joined the meeting. Discussions related to a number of bilateral issues, the priorities of the new UK government, and the future of the CAP

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Hochrangige Expertengruppe: sieben Empfehlungen für EU-Milchsektor


Die hochrangige Expertengruppe „Milch“, die im Oktober 2009 im Gefolge der letztjährigen Krise des Milchsektors eingesetzt wurde, hat den Bericht über die Ergebnisse ihrer Beratungen einschließlich der an die Kommission gerichteten Empfehlungen zu sieben Fragenkomplexen vorgelegt.


Commissionner Cioloş visits Portugal English (en) français (fr)


During his visit to Portugal, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş, underlined that we should encourage farmers to organize themselves. Together with the Portuguese Minister for Agriculture, Antonio Serrano, Commissioner Cioloş visited the Santarem Fair, meeting many farmers and their representatives (AJAP, CAP, CAN, CONFAGRI).

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More than 5000 contributions to public debate on future of the CAP English (en) français (fr)


At midnight tonight, the Commission will close the internet-based public debate on the future of the EU's Common Agriculture Policy launched by Agriculture & Rural Development Commissioner Dacian Cioloş on April 12.

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Le Commissaire Cioloş promeut une "nouvelle coopération" avec l'Union africaine. français (fr)


Le Commissaire à l'Agriculture et au Développement rural, Dacian Cioloş, était en déplacement à Addis Abeba (Ethiopie), les 7 et 8 juin, dans le cadre d'une réunion collège à collège entre l'Union européenne et l'Union africaine. L'occasion de resserrer les liens avec l'organisation africaine et de jeter les bases d'une nouvelle coopération dans le secteur agricole.

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Discours à la réunion du Groupe consultatif élargi "PAC post 2013" français (fr)


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Commissioner Cioloş visits the Republic of Moldova English (en) română (ro)


Commissioner Dacian Cioloş, responsible for Agriculture and Rural Development, will pay a visit to Moldova on 3-6 June 2010.

The Commissioner will meet with Acting President and Speaker of the Parliament Mihai Ghimpu, Prime Minister Vlad Filat, Minister for Agriculture and Food Industry Valeriu Cosarciuc, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Serafim Urechean and the Head of the Democratic Party Marian Lupu. Dacian Cioloş will also meet with Vladimir Voronin, the Head of the Communist Party, as well as with representatives of civil society.

The main focus of his talks will be on trade relations in the field of agriculture and food processing.

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"The Common Agriculture Policy and the EU2020 Strategy" (Summary of the speech given at the Informal Council of Agriculture Ministers in Merida, Spain) English (en)


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Commissioner Cioloş at the Informal Agriculture Council in Spain English (en) français (fr) română (ro)


Commissioner Dacian Cioloş attended his first Informal Council as EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development in Extramadura, South-East of Spain (30th of May – 1st of June).

As ever, the Informal Council provided an interesting look at agriculture in this region, again underlining the diversity of different forms of agriculture in Europe.  

The programme included a visit to a dehesa – a farm that gave excellent examples of extensive pig, cow and sheep rearing (rare breeds), providing quality products and other elements contributing to environmental and biodiversity benefits, as well as local employment. The Commissioner also visited a modern company processing vegetables which he described as a "good mix between traditional and modern agriculture".

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01/04/2015 |  Seitenanfang