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Dacian Cioloş au Salon du Goût à Turin français (fr)


"La tradition, aujourd'hui, c'est la dimension la plus importante de la modernité", a insisté le Commissaire à l'Agriculture et au Développement durable, Dacian Cioloş, lors de la visite du Salon du goût, à Turin (Italie), les 21 et 22 octobre.

Mehr français (fr)

Cioloş: Europe's small farms have a future English (en) français (fr)


"I am convinced that as long as small farms are in a position to market their production and contribute to maintaining landscapes and the vitality of rural areas, then they must be supported" stated Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş in his speech closing the seminar "Semi-subsistence farming in the EU: current situation and future prospects" organized by DG AGRI in Sibiu, Romania: Programme    

Mehr English (en) français (fr)

Commissioner Cioloş in Romania English (en) français (fr)


Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş visited Romania between 13-15 October, holding a series of meetings and debates on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy with representatives of the agricultural organisations and members of the agriculture committees in the Romanian Parliament.

Mehr English (en) français (fr)

Commissioner Cioloş in Ireland English (en) français (fr)


Commissioner Dacian Cioloș visited Ireland on Friday 1 October, holding a series of meetings with stakeholders and members of the Parliament Joint Agriculture Committee.

Mehr English (en) français (fr)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 01/04/2015 |  Seitenanfang