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EU-US bilateral issues and global food security - top on the agenda of Commissioner Cioloş in Washington English (en)


Meeting with his counterpart, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack on Tuesday morning, EU Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Cioloş discussed a number of bilateral issues, including to US restrictions (due to BSE) on EU beef exports, progress on organic equivalency and the state of preparation for the next Farm Bill.

Mehr English (en)

Cioloş discusses global food security issues at UN English (en)


EU Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Cioloş met a number of key players in New York on Monday to discuss issues of global food security. In a meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, and with Bob Orr, Assistant Secretary-General responsible for food security issues, the Commissioner discussed the recent increase in food prices, and the more long-term structural issues linked to food supply and demand.

Mehr English (en)

Commissaire Cioloş: "Remettre les agriculteurs et leurs organisations à leur place sur le marché" français (fr)


Le Commissaire européen à l'Agriculture, Dacian Cioloş, a présenté, avec ses homologues Michel Barnier, en charge du Marché intérieur et des Services, et Antonio Tajani, en charge de l'Industrie, une Communication de la Commission sur les défis à relever sur les marchés des produits de base et des matières premières.

Mehr français (fr)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 01/04/2015 |  Seitenanfang