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Absatzförderung für die Agrarerzeugnisse Europas


Die Europäische Kommission hat heute eine Mitteilung mit dem Titel „Den Verbraucher auf den Geschmack bringen: eine Absatzförderungs- und Informationsstrategie mit hohem europäischem Mehrwert für die Agrarerzeugnisse Europas“ angenommen. Dieses Papier ist der zweite Schritt zur Reform der Absatzförderungspolitik, die im Juli 2011 lanciert wurde mit dem Ziel, die Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft zu einem dynamischeren und wettbewerbsfähigeren Sektor zu machen nachhaltiges, intelligentes und inklusives Wachstum zu fördern.


"To reconcile the expectations of the markets and of society: opening a new path for Europe and its farmers" English (en) français (fr)


Speech at the 5th Forum for the Future of Agriculture, Brussels

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Opening a new path for Europe and for its farmers English (en) français (fr)


Commissioner Dacian Cioloş attended the 5th Forum for the Future of Agriculture in Brussels. 
The Commissioner underlined the need of opening a new path for Europe and its Farmers to reconcile the expectations of the markets and of society. "We must rethink the role of public authorities, make our instruments more coherent, particularly direct payments, and review the position of professional operators, particularly as regards market management. The professionals must have the means to face up to markets sustainably", he said.

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"We need an integrated approach of agricultural policy at international level" English (en) français (fr)


Launching the first meeting of a new Advisory group on international aspects of agricultural policy, today (12 March) in Brussels, Dacian Cioloş, European Commissioner in charge of Agriculture and Rural Developpment stated : "Agriculture is discussed from a lot of different angles and its international component is getting more and more important. Our approach cannot be efficient on trade, developpement and sustainability if we are not coherent and transparent. We need an integrated approach".

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"Getting ready for agricultural research and innovation" English (en)


 Conference on research and innovation in agriculture, Brussels

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Enhancing innovation and the delivery of research in EU agriculture English (en)


More than 300 stakeholders, researchers, academics and officials met in Brussels for a Conference on "Enhancing innovation and the delivery of research in EU agriculture".

Mehr English (en)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 01/04/2015 |  Seitenanfang