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Commissioner Cioloş travels to Asia

Commissioner Dacian Cioloş visited Japan (Nov 10-12) and South Korea (Nov 12-14), participating in a range of events to publicise and promote EU quality agriculture products.

Part of his visit was alongside a delegation of European business leaders, to help establish trade contacts and foster exports.

The value of EU agri-food exports to Japan (€5.2 billion) and Korea (€1.8 billion) has grown respectively by +26% and + 63% in the past 5 years, especially for quality products.

Commissioner Cioloş said: "These are important markets with a strong appreciation of quality food products and therefore with significant potential for growth. I remain optimistic that agri-food sector exports have a major role to play in generating EU growth and aiding economic recovery and so I'm delighted to have the chance to promote our culture, traditions and the wonderful tastes of European food in Asia."

Commissioner Cioloş also had a series of bilateral political meetings in Tokyo and Seoul, and will visit rural areas in both countries with the respective Ministers of agriculture.

Following these visits, Commissioner Cioloş teamed up with High Representative Catherine Ashton and Commissioners Piebalgs and Tajani at the EU-Myanmar Taskforce on November 15 in Nay Pyi Taw.

Last update: 01/04/2015 |  Top