This site has been archived on 20/11/2014

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Международно сътрудничество, хуманитарна помощ и реакция при кризи

Водещи новини

Commissioner Georgieva nominated as “Disaster Risk Reduction Champion”
Commissioner Georgieva nominated as “Disaster Risk Reduction Champion”

24.10.2014 г.

On the occasion of United Nations Day, Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva was nominated as Disaster Risk Reduction Champion by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction Margareta Wahlström. (...)

Ethiopia: more European aid for refugees
Ethiopia: more European aid for refugees

23.10.2014 г.

The European Commission is giving an additional €5 million to respond to the needs of the growing number of refugees in Ethiopia. (...)

Iraq: EU increases humanitarian assistance
Iraq: EU increases humanitarian assistance

22.10.2014 г.

The European Commission is increasing its humanitarian assistance for the victims of the Iraq crisis by an additional €3 million. (...)

Съобщения за пресата


  • 17.09.2014 г. -
    Thank you for putting this very important issue on this week's plenary agenda. It is timely. Because of the dramatic deterioration of the situation on the ground. Because we are now seeing a real step-change in the international response. And because just this Monday, we had a ministerial meeting in Brussels, hosted by the Commission, to take stock of the EU's response to date and see what more we need to do.
  • 06.06.2014 г. -
    ASEM Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management - Manila
  • 03.06.2014 г. -
    How can we do better for the world's hungry: lessons learned from the EU-WFP partnership pdf - 96 KB [96 KB] English (en)
    Opening the Executive Board meeting of the World Food Programme - Rome
  • 27.05.2014 г. -
    "Ready for a more fragile world? Europe's Role in Responding to Crisis and Conflict" pdf - 104 KB [104 KB] English (en)
    Symposium on Governance in Europe Hertie School of Governance - Berlin

Моят блог

В Таклобан, 7 месеца по-късно05 юни 2014

Последното ми пътуване във Филипините беше, за да донеса огромна европейска подкрепа за оцеляването на хората тук, засегнати от най-мощния циклон в историята .Този супер-тайфун (познат като Хайан и наричан още Йоланда) уби над шест хиляди души и засегна над 11 милиона. Тогава достигнах с хеликоптер до Таклобан, най-засегнатото от бедствието място. Разликата [...]

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Commissioner Georgieva meeting George Soros

On Monday 27 October, Commissioner Georgieva met with George Soros, Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Institute.On Monday 27 October, Commissioner Georgieva met with George Soros, Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Institute.

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