ESF+ in Italy promotes professional mobility among young jobseekers
Your first EURES job’ (YfEj) initiative, provides employment and matchmaking services with small and medium enterprises, establishing cooperation with public employment services (PES) in EU countries, to improve the job-matching process.
ESF+ project in Ireland give a second chance to students
Youthreach centers in Ireland, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF+), help young people who left school early to take their first successful steps toward employment. One of them was Pierce, 23 years, who is now on his way to start a legal career after leaving school early.
Recent social policy developments in Austria, France, Kosovo* and Poland
5 new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) are now available and provide information on recent social policy developments in Austria, France, Kosovo* and Poland.
Recent social policy developments in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Latvia and Poland
5 new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) are now available and provide information on recent social policy developments in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Latvia and Poland.
Public Employment Services moving towards a culture of quality management
A new thematic paper by the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) highlights how PES are increasingly devising ways to create ‘a culture of quality management’ in their work. Key areas of work include self-assessment, customer input and feedback, and how to select the right quality management model to reach the desired standards.
De nouveaux droits visant à améliorer l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée dans l'UE entrent en application aujourd'hui
À partir d'aujourd'hui, tous les États membres doivent appliquer les règles établies à l'échelle de l'UE pour améliorer l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée des parents et des aidants, adoptées en 2019.
ESF+ funding to support work-life balance for parents and carers
The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) is the main funding instrument to support the Member States for implementing the new EU-wide rules to improve work-life balance for parents and carers, which apply as of 2 August 2022 with the entry into force of the EU Work-Life Balance Directive.
Recent social policy developments in Estonia, Malta, Romania, Slovenia and Spain
Six new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) are now available and provide information on recent social policy developments in Estonia, Malta, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.
Europe sociale: des conditions de travail plus transparentes et plus prévisibles pour les travailleurs de l'UE
La directive offre des droits et une protection du travail de meilleure qualité et modernisés à l’ensemble des 182 millions de travailleurs en Europe.
REACT-EU: €119.9 million to support post-pandemic recovery, jobs and people fleeing Russia's aggression for Austria, France and the Netherlands
The European Commission granted to Austria, France and the Netherlands €119.9 million under REACT-EU to support young people, workers applicants for employment as well as other people in need, including people fleeing Russia's aggression against Ukraine.