Skellefteå remporte l'Access City Award 2023 pour ses efforts remarquables en matière d'accessibilité aux personnes handicapées
Aujourd'hui, la ville suédoise de Skellefteå a reçu l'Access City Award (le prix des villes les plus accessibles) 2023 en reconnaissance de son engagement à long terme et de son approche innovante visant à améliorer l'accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées
The first ever European Employment & Social Rights Forum attracted over 1200 participants
The European Employment and Social Rights Forum took place on 16-17 November in Brussels. This first edition of the event focused on how to achieve a fair and inclusive green transition for all. The Forum also celebrated the 5th anniversary of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Commission publishes proposal for Joint Employment Report 2023
The proposal for the Joint Employment Report (JER) confirms that the EU labour market has fully recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, showing a strong performance and surpassing pre-pandemic employment levels since the third quarter of 2021.
REACT-EU: Additional €1.5 billion for workers, employers and skills in Italy
Italy receives an extra €1.5 billion under REACT-EU to hire more young people and women, improve the skills of workers and jobseekers, and support Italy's economic recovery.
EQAVET Network Peer Learning Activity focused on quality assurance of micro-credentials
Over 60 representatives from the EQAVET Network and neighbouring countries came together, online, to explore quality assurance of micro-credentials in vocational education and training on 8 – 9 November 2022. The Peer Learning Activity was virtually hosted by Ireland.
Le socle européen des droits sociaux, cinq ans déjà: des principes transposés dans des actions concrètes pour une Europe sociale forte
L'UE, qui célèbre aujourd'hui le cinquième anniversaire du socle européen des droits sociaux à l'occasion du premier forum européen de l'emploi et des droits sociaux, fait le point sur les progrès accomplis et envisage les prochaines étapes.
EU and ILO launch first ever Just Transition Pavilion at COP-27
This year at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, the European Commission together with the International Labour Organization (ILO) is hosting the first ever Just Transition Pavilion at the annual UN climate conference.
The results of EAfA’s 2021−2022 monitoring survey are out!
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is happy to announce the results of its 2021−2022 monitoring survey. The survey took place between June and September 2022 and was sent to all EAfA members that joined the Alliance before May 2022. The survey collected responses from 131 members from 30 countries, including 22 EU Member States.
Le pacte pour les compétences s'étend à 1000 membres à l'heure où il fête son deuxième anniversaire
Deux ans après son lancement, le pacte pour les compétences, célèbre une étape importante, puisqu'il franchit la barre des 1000 membres, dont des grandes entreprises multinationales, des PME, des prestataires locaux de formation et des chambres de commerce. Le pacte est un élément central de la stratégie européenne en matière de compétences.
Recent social policy developments in Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Montenegro, the Netherlands and Slovakia
The last series of Flash Reports prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) is now available and provides information on recent social policy developments in Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Montenegro, the Netherlands and Slovakia.