Ocuparea Forţei de Muncă, Afaceri Sociale şi Incluziune

The CJEU and EFTA Court decisions in a comparative perspective: MoveS legal report 2023

The CJEU and EFTA Court decisions in a comparative perspective: MoveS legal report 2023

The Agreement on the European Economic Area (‘the EEA Agreement’) would provide a procedure to settle such differences (under Article 105 of that Agreement the EEA-Joint Committee should try to arrive at a uniform interpretation within the EU and the EEA), but it has never been applied to social security coordination. Therefore, further and more in-depth analysis of the rulings of the EFTA Court in comparison with the rulings of the CJEU is recommended to achieve greater knowledge and, if possible, a more synchronised means of interpretation in the EU and the EEA. This report is meant to be an incentive for such further steps and raise the interest of the readers in the very often neglected rulings of the EFTA Court.

Catalog N. : KE-06-23-101-EN-N

Disponibilă pe  EU Publications

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