Ocuparea Forţei de Muncă, Afaceri Sociale şi Incluziune

EU Employment and Social Situation - Quarterly Review - September 2015

EU Employment and Social Situation - Quarterly Review - September 2015

The latest quarterly data confirms previous modest but positive economic, labour market and social developments. The EU economy continues its moderate growth, which has broadened across virtually all Member States. Labour markets in the EU continue to gradually improve, benefitting from the strengthening in economic activity. There are more permanent and full-time jobs. The increase in employment extended to all sub-population groups. Unemployment including youth unemployment continues to slowly recede in the EU however large differences remain among Member States. Long-term unemployment also shows further signs of decline but remains high. Household incomes and financial conditions of EU households continue to improve, benefitting from stronger economic activity and improved labour markets.

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See also: Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014

Catalog N. : KE-BH-15-003-EN-N

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