Emploi, affaires sociales et inclusion

The influence of housing and equivalence scales on inequality, poverty and on individuals’ ranking in the income distribution

The influence of housing and equivalence scales on inequality, poverty and on individuals’ ranking in the income distribution

The present study aims to answer two broad research questions:

i. Are cross-country comparisons of inequality and poverty indicators robust with respect to the choice of technical details used to compute equivalised income, and when the value of housing is considered?
ii. Do individual and household income distribution rankings dramatically change when different choices about these technical details change? Specifically, does the composition of the poor population change according to the procedures used to deal with the two technical issues considered in this study?

These questions are then crucial to compare levels and trends in income distribution more  precisely across countries and time and to identify where individuals are positioned on the income  distribution, with clear implications for redistribution and for the assessment of both vertical and  horizontal equity.

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N° de catalogue : KE-CF-22-012-EN-N

Disponible sur  EU Publications

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