Emploi, affaires sociales et inclusion

Addressing youth unemployment in the EU

Addressing youth unemployment in the EU

The Youth Guarantee seeks to ensure that all EU Member States make a good-quality offer to all young people up to age 25 of a job, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within four months of leaving formal education or becoming unemployed. A Youth Guarantee Recommendation was formally agreed by Member States in April 2013. It includes guidelines for setting up such schemes, covering in particular the need for stronger partnerships between all concerned public authorities (education and employment institutions), early intervention and activation, and making full use of EU funding. The Youth Guarantee is one of the most crucial and urgent structural reforms that EU Member States must introduce to address youth unemployment and inactivity, and to improve school to work transitions.

This publication is available only in electronic version in English.

N° de catalogue : KE-02-15-605-EN-N

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