Ocuparea Forţei de Muncă, Afaceri Sociale şi Incluziune

Persoane cu dizabilități - Materiale video pe această temă

Durata:1'26'' / Dată: Apr 2015

The Access City Award is the european prize for making cities more accessible to people with disabilities and older people. Borås (Sweden), winner of the Access City Award 2015: 'Borås has made a commitment to accessibility since the beginning of the 1990s. Political will has helped ensure the financial resources the city needs to make it accessible for all. Borås’s library, theatre, art gallery and cultural centre have all been made accessible both inside and out. The city has also recently made its zoo accessible to all as part of the largest accessibility renovation project in Sweden. Borås also works closely with private businesses to ensure that they improve accessibility. It has inspected and classified 230 shops, restaurants and other establishments and made this information public on an accessibility database'.

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