
Projects Database

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Centralised complex built for Toruń’s Ludwik Rydygier hospital

EU funding has made possible the modernisation, renovation and extension of the Ludwik Rydygier provincial integrated hospital in Toruń, seat of government of Poland’s Kujawsko-Pomorskie region. The first phase of the project involves the construction of a centralised complex to house departments currently located at four different sites.

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Reversing the brain drain in Umbria

The Brain Back Umbria project aimed to understand how brain drain has affected the Italian region of Umbria by asking emigrants to fill in a questionnaire about some issues such as their qualifications and work abroad, why they emigrated and what would get them to return. Using the data, it devised a strategy based on the creation of networks reconnecting emigrants with their native region so as to support establishment of businesses in Umbria by emigrants and reverse brain drain.

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Public fiber network brings high-speed internet to Sicily

An ultra-wide band fiber network is being installed in Sicily, Italy, providing high-speed internet access in areas – both on a regional and national scale – where such reliable and fast service did not exist previously. 

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Improvements made to key railway line through Palermo

EU funding is making possible the implementation of the second phase of a project to renew and upgrade a railway connection around the Sicilian capital Palermo, as well as transforming it into a double-track line. Due for completion in June 2023, the work forms part of a wider project to improve the entire Palermo railway node, a component of the Trans-European Transport Network’s (TEN-T) Berlin-Rome-Palermo axis. This axis falls within the TEN-T Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor, which runs from the Finnish capital Helsinki to Valletta, capital of Malta.

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Croatia ensures better monitoring of weather and climate with modernised meteorological network

The EU-funded METMONIC project aims to modernise Croatia’s national meteorological network with the acquisition of 450 instruments, including automatic weather stations, weather buoys and remote measurement systems such as meteorological radars. This will improve measurements taken from close to the earth’s surface and the upper atmosphere. The project will allow for more accurate predictions of extreme weather, and better understanding of climate change, which should contribute to better policies to help protect society from its effects.

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Energy-saving renovations at primary school in Rijeka, Croatia beat target

Extensive renovations were carried out at the Nikola Tesla primary school in the Croatian city of Rijeka under an EU-funded project. Originally aimed at cutting the annual amount of energy used for heating the school by at least 20 %, the project far exceeded this target. It achieved a reduction of over 47 % or 187 538 kilowatt hours (kWh) a year: from 75.45 kWh to 39.79 kWh per m² per year.
