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Last week to share your expertise and give your opinion!

date:  12/03/2018

The Public Feedback on Circular Economy and Digital Transition launched on the 6 February will close this Friday 16 March.

All interested stakeholders are invited to participate and contribute to the draft actions developed by the Partnerships on Circular Economy, Digital Transition and Urban Mobility (also available in German). Each draft action has its own survey, allowing users to provide input on the themes and actions most relevant to them. Each survey contains five short questions that you can answer anonymously. The Public Feedback on Digital Transition and Circular Economy will close this Friday 16 March while the Public Feedback on Urban Mobility will remain open until 9 April.

The Partnerships will take the results into account for the finalisation of the Action Plans which will be officially presented later in 2018.  You can also comment the actions on the Urban Agenda for the EU’s website after signing up (1-minute max). 

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