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Press Release

Finding new solutions to old problems in the Blue Economy

Some of the EU's best innovators and researchers are working away to explore the largely unexplored biodiversity of the sea and design ways in which to maximise their economic and scientific potential. Read more in the Online magazine.

EFCA’s annual report focuses on preparing for the landing obligation

In its annual report of 2014 activities, the European Fisheries Control Agency outlines how it assisted Member States and the European Commission to prepare for the monitoring of the landing obligation. This included rolling out new data network systems, adding modules for training fisheries’ inspectors and finding synergies with Member states for joint monitoring efforts.

"Sailing towards 2020" conference, Brussels, 2-3 March 2015

The Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission, with the assistance of the FARNET Support Unit, is organising a high level conference on the results of Axis 4 of the EFF and the future of Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) in coastal communities.

SPRFMO strengthens commitment to sustainability and science

At its annual meeting, held from 2-6 February in Auckland, New Zealand, the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) adopted a series of important conservation and enforcement measures demonstrating its commitment to sustainable fisheries in the region.

European Commission acts to protect sea bass stock

The European Commission has announced measures to avert the collapse of the declining sea bass stock. Immediately effective emergency measures will place a ban on targeting the fish stock by trawling while it is reproducing, during the spawning season, which runs until the end of April. This will be complemented by further measures to ensure that all those who fish sea bass make a balanced and fair contribution to saving the stock.

EU fishing in international waters aligned with landing obligation

The Commission delegated regulation on the implementation of the EU's international obligations under the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas and the Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries came into effect on 24 January.

Commission to adopt measures to protect sea bass stock

The European Commission has announced a package of measures aimed at averting the collapse of the declining sea bass stock. In the first instance emergency measures will be implemented to ban pelagic trawling of sea bass during spawning season which runs until the end of April.