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Press Release

IOI - Canada 2016 Training Programme

IOI-Canada offers annually an intensive 8-week training program on “Ocean Governance, Policy, Law and Management” and the next training session is scheduled for 18 May - 15 July 2016.

Commissioner Vella promotes Atlantic cooperation during Brittany visit

Commissioner Karmenu Vella is visiting Brittany today to engage with various stakeholders on fisheries, the blue economy, and marine protection. Following a meeting with French Secretary of State Mr Alain Vidalies this morning, Commissioner Vella participated in the 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference in Brest, a city known for its dynamism in terms of blue growth.

EMODnet conference: drawing the map of Europe's seas

Knowledge of our seas and oceans is essential for developing the blue economy and improving marine management. Gaining this knowledge requires putting together data collected by hundreds of bodies - research institutes, geological surveys, hydrographic offices, environmental agencies - into a coherent picture. EMODnet, the European Marine Observation and Data Network is working for this task.

EU agrees Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreement with Cook Islands

The agreement will expand the area of operations for the EU fleet in the Western and central Pacific Ocean - the world's most important tuna fishing grounds, providing more than half of the global tuna catch. In exchange the Cook Islands will receive significant financial contributions.

Seeking better education and training for Blue Careers: Infoday on knowledge alliances and sector skills, Brussels 23 November 2015

The objective of the Sector Skills Alliances – launched by EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) under Erasmus+ programme - is to create European partnerships between industry, VET (Vocational Education and Training) institutes and regulatory bodies to define skill needs in a specific sector and to design and implement new curricula. This may be opportunity for better Blue Careers across EU. Participate in the Infoday on 23 November 2015 in Brussels to learn more (registration is now open).

Roadmap to give new push for ocean energy

A draft strategy for developing the ocean energy sector in Europe will be presented to business leaders and energy ministers at a high-level meeting in Dublin today. The "strategic roadmap" was prepared by the Ocean Energy Forum, created by the EU in 2014 to help get promising ocean energy technologies off the ground.

South Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) steps up efforts to become fully operational

The members of the South Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) held an extraordinary meeting in Brussels (12 - 16 October 2015) in which they agreed on a number of important administrative and financial issues, including the Rules of Procedures, the Terms of Reference for subsidiary bodies, as well as the roadmap and the procedures for the recruitment of the Executive Secretary.