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Publication of a new Call for Expressions of Interest to establish a new list of experts

The Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy has published a Call for Expressions of Interest to set up a list of external experts to support Cohesion Policy, regional and urban development. This particular call is interesting for experts in maritime and fisheries issues as well as those involved in the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

date:  19/03/2015

If you know experts who might contribute to tasks in the fields listed below, please feel free to invite them to reply to the call. Minimum 7 years of professional experience is required as well as excellent knowledge of at least 2 EU languages, of which English, French and German.

Applications are to be submitted electronically to

In particular, the following tasks could be assigned to selected experts:

  • Strategic assessments of national or regional policies, strategies and investment plans related to the programming documents, fulfilment of Action plans on ex-ante conditionalities for the 2014-2020 programming period;
  • Advice to the Commission and/or to Managing Authorities and other national/regional authorities on the design of implementation measures (including simplification) and set up of indicators;
  • Establishment of milestones and targets in the 2014-2020 performance framework;
  • Support the dissemination of information by preparing specific publication and meetings, workshops and conferences;
  • Assessments or peer review of actions planned for / implemented with Structural Funds funding ;
  • Advice on the closure of programmes with Structural Funds funding;
  • Assessment of specific themes, national legal frameworks (including State aids & financial instruments) and operating modalities;
  • Establishment and development of capacity building measures related to all ESI Funds stakeholders;
  • Assessment of payments circuits, management and control systems;
  • Coordination with national audit authorities and Commission Services, examination of accounts, audit related desk reviews, on the spot audit missions and associated follow-up actions, statistical and non-statistical sampling;
  • Assessment of technical specifications and unit costs for works, services or supplies co-financed by the Structural Funds;
  • Socio-economic analyses in thematic fields and/or in EU countries or (group of) regions.

When a task needs to be performed, the list of selected experts will be reviewed and one or several experts from the list will be contacted regarding their availability and interest to perform the task. The Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy will ensure that contracts with experts are proposed in a balanced manner with an appropriate rotation of individuals.

Closing date for submission: 16 December 2017.

More information

InfoRegio website