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Register for the Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning!

Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is being implemented in all 23 EU coastal member states and in an increasing number of countries around the world.

date:  22/01/2015

This opens interesting job prospects in maritime management. In the coming years, there will be a strong need for specialists trained to tackle all dimensions of MSP: management of environmental resources, shipping, offshore energy, fisheries etc. For this reason, the Commission has decided to finance an Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning which covers all skills needed to implement Maritime Spatial Planning effectively.

The Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning is a two-years advanced professional master program, in which three high-rated European universities participate: Università Iuav di Venezia, University of Sevilla and University of Azores. Students will familiarize themselves with key issues involved in policies formulation and planning strategies for maritime space, to improve the management of resources from an environmental, economic, social and legal perspective within the framework of maritime policies.

The aim of the programme is to prepare students to become specialists – providing a multi-disciplinary background – to enable them to operate both in public institutions as well as independent professionals or researchers. As specialists they will have the know-how in planning, in designing and evaluating projects and policies, which consider terrestrial, coastal and marine dimensions. In addition, the course will provide the ability to manage decision processes towards an adaptive and integrated approach.

EMMCMSP is developed by the 'MSP Consortium' coordinated by the Università Iuav di Venezia and co-financed by the European Commission. The deadline for applications is 10 February.

More information and application: