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Press releases/news articles

European Commission launches Blue Economy Report at European Maritime Day in Lisbon

Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella has opened the 2019 European Maritime Day conference in Lisbon. This year, the main focus is on boosting a “blue” economy, the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, through entrepreneurship, investment, and research and innovation. On this occasion, the European Commission launches the second edition of its Blue Economy Report.

European Maritime Day local events

A series of European Maritime Day local events are organised between from April to July 2019, as every year, across Europe. This enables the many European regions with a maritime culture to join in the celebrations and highlight the vital role of the seas and oceans.

Fisheries: Commission welcomes adoption of new technical conservation measures

The European Parliament has adopted the political agreement reached in February between the co-legislators on the Commission’s proposal for decentralised and simplified technical rules. The new rules will give fishermen a stronger say in deciding on the best measures for sustainable fishing, adapted to their specific needs.

Euronews OCEAN episode 4: Ocean energy

At the European Commission we know a thing or two about the impressive power of the ocean. But what if we use this power not just for food or health or transport, but for… power?

Safer seas thanks to smoother information exchange: EUCISE2020

Safer seas and a safer Europe are one step closer since 27 March, day of the final conference of the European security research project EUCISE2020 in Brussels. The project has shown how European coordination on maritime surveillance could become a reality even when the dozens of authorities and their ICT infrastructures all speak a different (human or digital) language.