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Brexit/Fisheries: Commissioner Vella presents contingency plans to mitigate “no-deal” impact

The European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella has presented contingency measures to mitigate the impact on fisheries in case of a “no-deal” Brexit.

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date:  05/04/2019

The acts, tabled by the Commission in January, have been agreed by Member States and European Parliament at the end of March, in record time. Underscoring that the EU stands shoulder to shoulder with its fishermen, the Commissioner explained that the Commission has taken measures to mitigate the impact on fisheries in case of a no-deal Brexit.

The first preparedness measure amends the Regulation on the Sustainable Management of the External Fleets, with the aim of creating the appropriate legal framework for continued reciprocal fishing access by EU and United Kingdom vessels to each other’s waters during 2019, provided the UK grants such access for EU vessels.

The second measure allows fishermen and operators from EU Members States to receive compensation for the temporary cessation of fishing activities, due to Brexit, under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.  This will help to off-set some of the impacts of a sudden closure of UK waters to EU fishing vessels.

Commissioner Vella: Press Conference on Brexit preparedness, Brussels, 05 April 2019