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2018, a year of many achievements for the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)

2018 was a year of intense activity, marking EFCA's tenth anniversary. The agency's main achievements relate to the core tasks of operational coordination and fisheries control and its contribution to the EU Coast Guard cooperation.

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Control Fisheries

date:  11/04/2019

EFCA performed 26,922 coordinated inspections, a 28% increase compared to 2017. 714 suspected infringements, 15% less than in 2017, were detected, mostly concerning non-compliance with recording obligations and technical measures.
At international level, EFCA has assisted the European Union in cooperating with developing countries and international fisheries organisations to help combat illegal fishing. In 2018, the five-year EU funded development project PESCAO kicked off, aiming to improve the fight against Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing in Western Africa, contributing to sustainable fisheries management and the reduction of food insecurity in the region. As part of this project, EFCA provides technical assistance to  thirteen countries in the area.
Moreover, EFCA assisted the Commission in its cooperation with the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (NAFO, NEAFC, ICCAT and GFCM), to strengthen the operational coordination and compliance. As stated in the MEDFISH4EVER Declaration, EFCA has continued to cooperate with third countries in the Mediterranean to promote an effective level playing field in the area.
Providing trainings is an important part of EFCA’s work with 1,496 inspectors and experts from EU and third countries participating in training events and e-learning in 2018.
To support the national authorities in their coast guard functions, EFCA hosted the first Annual European Coast Guard event in La Toja, Spain. The event brought together experts from other European agencies, such as EMSA and Frontex to identify ways to better cooperate and support Member States performing coast guard functions.

For more information on EFCA's many achievements in 2018, read the full report on the agency's website.