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Press releases/news articles

SpecTUNA: better quality and a more competitive tuna industry thanks to EU funding

Tuna is the most consumed fish product in the EU. Every one of us eats, on average, 2.78 kg of tuna every year, most of which is canned tuna. As the most important product of the canning industry, tuna generates around 20,000 direct jobs and 60,000 jobs in supporting sectors. The industry is growing considerably in response to demand, but processing methods remain largely traditional with low levels of mechanisation.

Terre et Mer: EU-support for sustainable seafood and social enterprises

Promoting sustainable fisheries and supporting local communities in diversifying their economies and creating new jobs are key priorities of the EU’s common fisheries policy. The EU-funded project Terre et Mer (land and sea), in the Hérault department in southern France, does all of the above and goes one step further, advocating inclusion in the job market.

New release of underwater terrain model from EMODnet

“Bathymetry” is the study of underwater depth of ocean floors or lake floors. In other words, bathymetry is the underwater equivalent to hypsometry or topography and a crucial source of data and information enabling many economic and scientific activities at sea.

Euronews OCEAN Season 3 episode 1 – From sea to plate

After the launch of the Farm to Fork Strategy in 2020 and just ahead of the start of DG MARE’s own #TastetheOcean campaign, the latest episode of Ocean looks at the complex journey of seafood from the moment it is caught to the moment it lands on your plate.

EU and Greenland reach agreement on new fisheries partnership

On 8 January 2021, the EU and Greenland concluded negotiations for a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA) and a new Protocol that will strengthen their cooperation in the fisheries sector for the next four years with the possibility of a two-year extension.

EU report projects resilience of fishing fleet during COVID-19 pandemic

The 2020 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet projects that in 2020, the EU fleet remained profitable overall, despite the effects of COVID-19 on the fleet and fish markets. More sustainable fishing and lower fuel costs have helped to mitigate the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic.

Euronews OCEAN Season 2 episode 11 – sustainable aquaculture

As the European Commission prepares its new guidelines on sustainable aquaculture to be released in February, this episode of Ocean tells the success stories of two very different family-run aquaculture companies — one farming organic mussels in an isolated area of the Atlantic coast of Ireland, another growing trout at a popular touristic destination in landlocked Hungary.

For the love of nature: EU supports a new fish farming business in Austrian mountains

Martin Traxler took a life-changing decision. For the love of nature, he left his previous managerial job in Vienna to start a fish farm in the mountains of Styria, Austria. Learning aquaculture by self-study and through exchange of experiences with other fish farmers, Martin, with the support of his wife Elke, has built an enterprise that covers the entire value chain: from rearing to marketing and serving products at his restaurant on-site. EU-funding has helped turning his vision for a different life into a successful reality.

EU helps protecting seabirds in Portugal

There has always been a symbiotic relationship between seabirds and fishermen. In a time before technology took over, birds were guiding fishing boats to the fish schools at sea, and today, they still crowd around trawlers. Unfortunately, many times seabirds attracted to fishing boats are accidentally caught on hooks or in nets and end up drowning.

Circular economy: From seafood waste to sustainable packaging

Quality packaging is essential to the shelf life of seafood products. Today, the bulk of packaging is made from single-use plastics, thus representing a big source of pollution. The food processing industry is therefore looking for sustainable alternatives, and the EU-funded FISH4FISH project is part of the solution.

EU funding for the fisheries, aquaculture and processing sectors: How have the Member States used it?

The latest implementation report of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is now available. It highlights the most important achievements supported by the EMFF across the EU. The report is based on data provided by the Member States, reflecting the state of implementation at the end of 2019. The first data reflecting the impacts of Covid-19 are due to be reported by the Member States at the end of April 2021 and will feature in the next report.