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Press releases/news articles

Euronews OCEAN Season 3 Episode 3 - Health

The blue biotechnology sector is a fascinating niche in the European blue economy. It uses living marine organisms – algae, bacteria, fungi, shellfish – to develop new, sustainable applications for a variety of sectors, ranging from pharmaceuticals and textiles to chemicals, packaging, fuel and more.

EMD In My Country 2021: 232 events!

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the EMD In My County organisers scheduled 232 events for 2021, an absolute record in the history of European

A new sustainable food from the oceans? EU funds HOLOFARM sea cucumber farming

With a growing demand for sustainable and healthy food, sea cucumbers may just be the next big thing for European aquaculture. Closely related to sea urchins and starfish, they are the marine equivalents of terrestrial earthworms: they rework and re-oxygenate the seabed, and feed on the waste produced by other organisms such as oysters.

CARBIOTECH extracts OMEGA-3 health supplement from algae, thanks to EU support

We are in 2017, near the beautiful Galician Costa da Morte, the Coast of Death. Meet Jacobo Bouzada Rodríquez, a chemical engineer freshly graduated from the University of Vigo. Having worked on various marine-related research projects, including for fish processing plants, Jacobo wanted to develop a high-value product from a natural resource that is abundantly present in the area: algae.

New action plan will boost organic agriculture and aquaculture in Europe

The European Commission has published a new action plan to accelerate the development of the organic sector. The plan will boost the production and consumption of organic products, in order to reach 25% of agricultural land under organic farming by 2030, as well as a significant increase in organic aquaculture, as set in the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies.