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ERC announces its 2016 budget and grant competitions

The European Commission adopted yesterday the ERC Work Programme 2016. The programme foresees €1.67 billion for grants to top researchers. Within the new series of competitions, the ERC has opened today the first one, the call for Starting Grants 2016, with a budget of €485 million and deadline of 17 November 2015. This scheme is open to researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience since completion of PhD and a promising scientific track record.

BREATHE project: privacy by design for Ambient Assisted Living

The BREATHE project (co-funded by the AAL programme) aims to design and develop an intelligent monitoring system for AAL environments, by employing cameras and other types of binary sensors. In order to ensure the privacy of user data and information, BREATHE follows a privacy-by-design approach.

SmartCare project: Pathways for integrated eCare

SmartCare aims to define a common set of standard functional specifications for an open ICT platform enabling the delivery of integrated care to older European citizens. A total of 23 regions and their key stakeholders are defining a comprehensive set of integration building blocks around the challenges of data-sharing, coordination and communication.

Horizon 2020 Statistics - the first 100 calls

By 1 December 2014 the first 100 calls had closed. What can we tell about the popularity of the programme, the success of SMEs, the degree to which the programme has attracted newcomers - both as participants and as expert evaluators - the proportion of women experts and the speed with which contracts have been signed? See this new page to find out more!

A European research and innovation roadmap for climate services

The ambition of this report edveloped by the H2020 expert group on climate services is to offer a framework for discussion to the relevant actors and to the stakeholders. It paves the way to shared solutions and pathways facilitating the development of a market for climate services that provides benefits to society. The report offers an essential contribution to achieving the EU objectives of an Energy Union with a forward looking climate policy.

From niche to norm

Without change, the EU will inevitably become less competitive, less attractive and less economically viable. Making changes now and into the future to a more circular, resource efficient economic model is not without risk. However, as the developing world continues along linear growth path, the EU and its Member States have the opportunity to reinvent their economies and make them globally competitive. And systemic eco-innovation is at the heart of the paradigm shift which is needed.

Getting cultural heritage to work for Europe

In the Report 'Getting cultural heritage to work for Europe' the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Cultural Heritage aims to promote cultural heritage as a production factor and an investment opportunity for the economy as well as a catalyser for social cohesion and environmental sustainability. The report is both an agenda and a roadmap, outlining the future directions of the EU Research & Innovation Policy in Cultural Heritage until 2020.

FET Newsletter edition July 2015

Latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies research: funding opportunities, latest Project news, reporting on workshops & conferences, future events.

New European project to develop robotic shower system to assist frail persons

Being able to maintain personal hygiene plays a crucial factor for independent living in old age. Loosing this ability means needing support for these activities, often resulting into a move in a nursing care home. I-SUPPORT is a three-year Horizon 2020 European research project launched in March 2015. Its goal is to develop a robotic shower system in order to enable independent living for a long period and thus, improve the quality of life of frail citizens.

EU to increase funding for cultural heritage research and innovation

In 2016-17, over €100 million for research and innovation in the field of cultural heritage will be available under Horizon 2020, the EU's research funding programme. This increase in funding recognises cultural heritage as an investment opportunity where research and innovation can make a difference.

FET Newsletter - edition June 2015

Latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies research: funding opportunities, latest Project news, reporting on workshops & conferences, future events.

Graphene Flagship. One Year On. Annual Report 2013–2014

Launched in October 2013,the EU funded Graphene Flagship has now been sailing for a little over a year. Much has been achieved in this short time, yet we are only a tenth of the way on a voyage that we hope will take graphene and related materials from academic laboratories into society. The following pages highlight some of the flagship’s science and technology achievements to date.

Horizon 2020 kick-starts Bio-based industries in Europe with €50 million

The first ten projects of the new Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), a partnership between the EU and industry, will get underway with a total of €50 million from Horizon 2020, the EU's research funding programme, and a further €28 million from the industry. This is thanks to the signature of the grant agreements finalised today (15 June 2015).

Dawn or Dusk for Innovation Demand: Which policies stimulate demand for innovation? - 17 November 2015, Brussels

The event offers the opportunity to learn about the state of the art on demand-side innovation policy after a decade of experience and about what companies want the European Union to deliver in the coming years to make markets more innovation-friendly.

Conference attendees will come away with informed outlooks on future innovation policies in the light of the evidence and the context of the current policy orientation in the EU.

Standardization in Horizon2020 - Webinar - 24 November 2015, Online

This webinar will explain the role of standardization in innovation, and provide you with tools and tips on how to correctly address standards in your project proposal.

We will include concrete case studies of successful research projects which have addressed standardization. A detailed programme will be added closer to the date.

To register your interest please email us at, with the subject line