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Horizon 2020 kick-starts Bio-based industries in Europe with €50 million

The first ten projects of the new Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), a partnership between the EU and industry, will get underway with a total of €50 million from Horizon 2020, the EU's research funding programme, and a further €28 million from the industry. This is thanks to the signature of the grant agreements finalised today (15 June 2015).

date:  12/06/2015

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The funded projects will cover research into specific bio-based materials with potential to replace fossil fuels and materials based on them. They also include an industrial-scale flagship project that will use oil crops such as cardoon, grown on arid and marginal lands, for the extraction of vegetable oils. These will then be converted into bio-products such as biolubricants, cosmetics, and bioplastics, and by- products from the process will be used to produce energy, animal feed and chemicals.