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Featured projects

BREATHE project: privacy by design for Ambient Assisted Living

The BREATHE project (co-funded by the AAL programme) aims to design and develop an intelligent monitoring system for AAL environments, by employing cameras and other types of binary sensors. In order to ensure the privacy of user data and information, BREATHE follows a privacy-by-design approach.

SmartCare project: Pathways for integrated eCare

SmartCare aims to define a common set of standard functional specifications for an open ICT platform enabling the delivery of integrated care to older European citizens. A total of 23 regions and their key stakeholders are defining a comprehensive set of integration building blocks around the challenges of data-sharing, coordination and communication.

A blueprint for an EU approach to a changing world order

Dramatic changes are underway in global politics. An EU-funded project aims to help Europe’s policymakers respond in a way that ensures European values and objectives continue to influence the evolution of global norms and policies.

Propelling wind variability to a competitive advantage

While weather forecasts – including those for wind – have improved significantly, change is always imminent. When wind power rises or falls unexpectedly, it can have a knock-on effect on infrastructure and power supply. An EU-funded research project has improved the accuracy of short-term forecasts, helping Europe rely more on wind power as it moves towards a more secure and cleaner energy future.

BINGO - Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management

BINGO project aims at providing practical knowledge and tools to end-users, water managers, decision and policy-makers affected by climate change to enable them to better cope with all climate projections, including droughts and floods.

Collecting data to defeat Ebola

The results of groundbreaking research on the Ebola virus by EU-funded scientists are feeding into global efforts to find effective treatments for the disease – and ultimately save lives.

Ultrasound innovation for the ultimate in bread

Great bread doesn’t happen by chance. Even with the best ingredients, it takes practice and patience — notably because the dough needs time and specific conditions to rise to yeasty perfection. EU-funded researchers are putting the final touches to a new system that will make the proofing chambers used in bakeries even better.

A local eye on climate change

How might climate change affect communities and how can they cope with the impacts? To prepare the way for an EU-wide climate service that can best answer those questions, an EU-funded project has developed local climate services, identifying the data local stakeholders need – and the best ways to communicate it.

Next generation lighter-than-air hybrid air vehicles

The Airlander hybrid air vehicle is a new form of aircraft designed by Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd (HAV). The vehicle combines inert lifting gas, aerodynamics and vectored thrust to deliver ‘game changing’ performance, compared to current flight technologies.

Taking targeted autoimmune therapies to the next level

A drug capable of not only controlling certain autoimmune diseases but also reorienting the immune system has been developed through the EU-funded TRIAD project and is now undergoing clinical trials via a spin-off. Scientists believe that this approach could be the first step towards finding a cure.

A tunnel yields a whole lot of valuable materials

An EU-funded research project has developed a system to automatically analyse and sort materials from the soil and rock excavated during the boring of tunnels and other underground structures. The system will cut waste, help tunnelling companies generate additional revenues, and provide valuable materials to industry, say the researchers.

A robot suit to help industrial workers

It isn’t ‘Iron Man’, but European researchers in the Robo-Mate project are developing a robotic ‘exoskeleton’ to protect workers from injuries due to heavy and repetitive work. A first prototype has already been unveiled.

Labels to show how retreaded tyres stack up against new tyres

An EU-funded project has provided the data needed for labels that would classify the environmental impact and safety of retreaded truck tyres – an environmentally-friendly, cost-effective alternative to new tyres, which must already have such labels under EU law. The project results should help consumers choose between new and retreaded tyres more objectively, maintaining confidence in retreaded tyres and preserving jobs in retreading SMEs.

Weighing up our bridges

Deciding when to renovate or replace an ageing bridge can be tricky. Risks to safety must be avoided, but acting prematurely may be wasteful. Monitoring techniques developed by an EU-funded project can facilitate such decisions. They are based on an innovative weigh-in-motion system used to check that trucks aren’t overloaded.

A recipe for reducing Europe’s food waste mountain

An EU-funded project has fed thousands of people on food that would otherwise be wasted in some of Europe’s biggest cities. Raising awareness is part of a strategy to reduce food waste. The project is also examining ways to encourage businesses and households to use food more efficiently and discard less. Its proposals could increase resource efficiency along the supply chain, cut bills for shoppers, and contribute to a sustainable food system.

Cochlear implants – the sound of innovation

According to WHO estimates, 360 million people worldwide suffer from disabling hearing loss. Cochlear implants can help those for whom hearing aids offer little or no benefit. The EU-funded project HEAR-EU is developing ground-breaking imaging technology and surgical planning software to make the implant surgery more predictable and ultimately more successful for the individual patient.

Mind control takes flight

An EU-funded project has flown a drone controlled from the ground using only a person’s brainwaves. The technology could one day make it easier to pilot larger aircraft, such as cargo jets, and result in safer airways, say the project’s researchers.

Mind control takes flight

An EU-funded project has flown a drone controlled from the ground using only a person’s brainwaves. The technology could one day make it easier to pilot larger aircraft, such as cargo jets, and result in safer airways, say the project’s researchers.

Anticipating the future of predictive maintenance

A faulty component or a worn-out machine can bring an entire manufacturing process to a crashing halt. And long before it actually breaks down, it can cause costly delays or defects. An innovative system developed by EU-funded researchers can help businesses to monitor crucial equipment and keep it in peak condition.