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Intermediate-Level Webinar: Copyright in Collaborative Projects

Unlike some other rights, copyright comes into existence automatically, and particular attention is therefore needed for its management. In collaborative projects, several partners may contribute to copyright works, and so issues of ownership and management, and strategies for protection and exploitation need to be clearly agreed. This webinar will provide an overview of copyright and how it should be managed in collaborative efforts.

EBN Congress 2023

The EBN Congress unites people around the potential of scientific breakthroughs, entrepreneurship and company creation to drive sustainable economic development and greater well-being in Europe and beyond. Our team will join this largest gathering of European incubators, accelerators, science parks, innovation centres, and innovation supporters to SMEs that operate or intend to access the Indian market and look to improve their global competitiveness.

Viva Technology Paris 2023

VivaTech accelerates innovation by connecting startups, tech leaders, major corporations and investors responding to our world's biggest challenges. Meet our India IP SME Helpdesk team members in Paris and learn more about internationalisation and IP protection in India.

EBN Congress 2023

The EBN Congress unites people around the potential of scientific breakthroughs, entrepreneurship and company creation to drive sustainable economic development and greater well-being in Europe and beyond. Our team will join this largest gathering of European incubators, accelerators, science parks, innovation centres, and innovation supporters to SMEs that operate or intend to access the Latin American market and look to improve their global competitiveness.

Webinar & EPO Coop: Patent Protection for EU-funding Beneficiaries – Green Technologies

We are happy to announce the third session of the "Patent protection for EU funding beneficiaries" lecture series organised in co-operation with the European Patent Academy. Each lecture explores the interface between patents and the respective technical field. This session will specifically focus on Green Technologies and introduce the main aspects of intellectual property (IP) management: notably IP ownership, protection and exploitation. Please note that by registering for one session, participants will automatically register for all sessions within the series.

Business Opportunities & Intellectual Property in South America

Joining forces with the State of Bavaria Office for South America and AHK Chile, Latin America IP SME Helpdesk team organizes a new webinar "Business Opportunities & Intellectual Property in South America". This webinar will provide insights into the economic challenges and opportunities in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru, as well as their particularities in terms of intellectual property (IP).


Expo Hotel has established itself as the most anticipated International Business Forum in the HORECA sector. As Latin America IP SME Helpdesk Team, we look forward to meeting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups at the event and introducing our free-of-charge services on intellectual property (IP) protection as well as enforcement in Latin America.

EPO Training Coop: From Lab to Market – Boosting the Immune Response to Fight Cancer

In this session of our "From Lab to Market" training series with the European Patent Office (EPO), we will hear how two scientists-turned-entrepreneurs have advanced a technology platform for immunology vaccines, enabling treatments for allergies and cancer. Based on a strong patent portfolio, they founded the company OncoQR and several other start-up companies for product development and technology commercialisation.


ITMA is the world's most influential textile and garment technology exhibition.

Advanced-Level Webinar: IP Management in ICT Projects

In this webinar, we will address the specific challenges that EU-funded projects should consider while using or developing Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), particularly knowledge management and protection, exploitation, and maximising impact. At the end of this session, participants will gain a better understanding of what intellectual property rights (IPR) are appropriate for different ICT technologies as well as the strategies for the exploitation of different types of ICT.

High-growth Technology Business Forum 2023 - Software and Patents in Medtech: Boosting Your Growth as an SME

Joining forces with the Licensing Executives Society International (LESI), the European Patent Office (EPO) organizes the next High-growth technology business forum "Software and Patents in Medtech". This online event aims to increase the understanding among decision-makers in start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of the value of digital patents and IP strategies for the growth of their business. Opportunities and challenges will be discussed based on the experiences of an illustrative case study.

Dublin Tech Summit 2023

The Dublin Tech Summit (DTS) is a two-day conference at the heart of the international tech scene gathering the global community of innovators and tech leaders. We look forward to meeting SMEs and start-ups and introducing our free-of-charge services on IP protection and enforcement in India.

Dublin Tech Summit 2023

The Dublin Tech Summit (DTS) is a two-day conference at the heart of the international tech scene gathering the global community of innovators and tech leaders. The Latin America IP SME Helpdesk team will take part in the event to meet participants who would like to learn more about intellectual property (IP) protection and management in Latin American countries.

Expoquimia 2023

Expoquimia 2023 brings together all the chemical sectors in a single show to highlight the strategic importance of the transformation of industry towards more energy-efficient production models and circular economy criteria. The India IP SME Helpdesk team will take part in the event on 30 and 31 May to meet participants eager to learn more about IP protection and management in India.

Clean Energy Transition Partnership 2023

The CETPartnership is an initiative co-funded by the European Union that brings together public and private stakeholders from the research and innovation ecosystems inside and outside Europe. CETPartnership 2023 will feature two leading conferences and a long-term matchmaking event. Participants who would like to learn more about IP management in India will have the opportunity to meet the India IP SME Helpdesk team during the matchmaking sessions.

New EPO Training Coop: From Lab to Market – A New Dimension to Skin Cancer Diagnosis

Following the kick-off event to joint training series with the European Patent Office (EPO), in this first session, we will take a closer look at the case of Damae Medical. The spin-out from the French Institut d’Optique Graduate School has taken a patented imaging technology to create a new medical device for real-time diagnosis of skin cancer. The session will highlight how a strong intellectual property (IP) portfolio of patents, trademarks, know-how and design rights helps the company ensure technological exclusivity and secure a lasting advantage over competitors. Join us!

Intermediate-Level Webinar: IPR & Software

Software is present at every level of computing, from the interaction with low-level hardware to the interface with end-users. However, the nature of software raises questions about management, protection, and exploitation. This webinar will explore specific issues such as the most appropriate intellectual property rights (IPR) to use and different exploitation models for design tools, products, and services.